Chapter 7

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Gemini caressed Fourth's cheek tenderly, he looked straight to Fourth's eyes looking for ensurement that he wanted the same as he did.

When Gemini saw the sparks and lust in Fourth's eyes, he leaned forward to close the distance between them. When their lips met, it gave some electricity trhough their bodies.

Gemini's kiss was getting hotter and Fourth's breath was getting harder. He nibbled Fourth's plump lips. When Gemini's tongue brushed againts Fourth's lips, Fourth moaned. That encourage Gemini to go further. He then kissed Fourth's jaw and then bite His neck leaving a visible marked on it.

His hands traveled to Fourth's back, caressing it. Then go down to Fourth's ass. He cuped his ass and squeezed it hard.

Fourth moans was getting louder. The smooth skin of Fourth, the body scent, and Fourth's moaned were making him crazy. He really can not holding back anymore.

He pulled his lips from Fourth's body and looked straight in his eyes once again, this time as if Fourth know the meaning, Fourth nodded his head.

Gemini lifted Fourth with his legs between Gem's waist. He carried Fourth to his bedroom.

He sat on his bed with Fourth still on his lap.

"Are you sure about this,? I won't stop anymore if I start.! " Gemini asked Fourth's assurance.

Fourth stared at him. Deep. "Yes..take me Gem.. I'm all yours... " Fourth wishpered.

That was enough for Gemini to go all in and do what he's been dreaming off all these years. Finally he could make Fourth his. And the night was still long enough to be the witness of two lovers to bind their love.


The next day, Fourth woke up when the sun was shine so bright. It was already 1 pm. They skipped breakfast and now already lunch time.

Fourth looked at the man beside him that gave him a magnificent night. Gemini lied on his stomach, one of his hand still wrapped around Fourth's waist tightly. Fourth cannot contained his smile seeing a beautiful view in front of him.

He rubs Gemini's back gently remembering what they did last night. Gemini's touch was so gentle yet so passionate. They had crossed all the lines within the night.

Gemini woke up not long after Fourth. He saw the best scenery in his life. The beauty of his boyfriend was no doubt. Etheral. The fair smooth skin, the scent, the beautiful body, were make him crazy.

"Morning sunshine.. " Gemini said with his deep bass voice.

"Morning... " Fourth smiled his sweetest smile. "We skipped breakfast, now I'm hungry." said Fourth pouted.

"I'm hungry too.... Hungry of you.." Gemini get on top of Fourth tried to kiss him. But Fourth blocked him with this hand.

"Nope...aren't you enough, huh? Give mercy to my back please.." pleaded Fourth cutely.

"I'm sorry naa... That was the best night in my life, I'm too excited. Was it hurt so bad?" Gemini patted Fourth hair.

"Hmmm.. But I loved it.. Thank you for being patient and took care of me.. I love you Gem." Fourth said sweetly.

"No.. I thank you for trusting me, you are the best that ever happen in my life.. I love you more baby.." He sealed their love again with deep kiss. And there gone the lunch. They cannot took off their hands from each other. They made love through the day and stopped when they felt really hungry of food.

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