Chapter 5

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I came to Hospital a little excited today. I wasn't usually like this. Maybe because the certain someone that I will meet there.

Actually, I was a little bit nervous. I will work with him for this project. My father gave me the authority to handle this with Fourth, ehm.., I mean with Champ Digital.

I was just reviewed my schedule for today when there was the knock on my door.

"Come in.. " I said to whoever that knocked my door.

The door opened, and June, the nurse and my assistant's head popped up from the door.

"Doc, Mr. Fourth Nattawat wants to meet you.. " She said.

This is it. I can't backed out now.

"Yes please, " I replied. Then, he entered my cabin.

I scanned him from head to toe. He wears the blue sweater with white shirt inside. His black hair was styled perfectly and his perfume smell sweets. A familiar scent that I still remember even it's has been seven years. There were nothing different in him, but just looked more mature and built. Did he do exercise all these years?


I entered his room. I was hoping to see Mr. Kit  there as I was instructed with, but instead of him, his son was sitting in that chair. My heart beat fast. The strong aura of him invaded me. I was really nervous right now. I thought I will work with Mr. Kit for the next two months but I guessed I'm wrong.

" Good morning," I greeted Gemini. The looked on his face is calmer now than yesterday.

"Good morning Mr. Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul, have a seat please." he gestured me to sit down. His voice was so cold but calm. Why in the world he said my full name?

I stayed silent, waiting for him to open the conversation. I kept looking everywhere but him. Maybe because of that, he started to talk.

"So.. long time no see........Fourth." he smirked at me.

I just stared at him, I was speechless. As if my mouth was locked.

"Is there anything you want to ask?" Gemini said with smirk on his face.

"Ehmm...I'm sorry but I thought that I'll be working with Mr. Kit directly." I said looking at him.

"Change of plans, I want to make sure that everything will be alright this time. I don't want this project fail again like the last time before you." he said strerned. "So I will handle this by myself now. I hope you don't mind."

It's not that I don't mind. I wanted to shout it to his face that I do mind. But I can't do anything now. I's too late for me to backed out. I just can smile a bit right now.

"The company that handled this project before you was sucked. They wasted our time. I'm expecting a lot from your company this time." He said giving me a smile but more like smirked to me.

"I'll make sure to exceed your expectation, Sir and thank you for choosing our company for this project." I stated to him. He hummed. He still stared at me .

"Are there anything else you want to tell or ask?" he asked me again.

"No..umm..yeah.. where do I have to work?" I asked hoping that there will be another room for me to work.

"Here, in my cabin.. with me. I will arrange the table for you tomorrow beside me. But for today, you will work here in my table." He pointed his table. I just can't find a word to reply. I just nodded my head. "But I won't be here all day though, I still have my schedule as a doctor here. I will meet you every morning and in the evening before you go home."

This is awkward. Really awkward. How can I work if he sat in front of me like this. But at least I didn't have to see him all day everyday. Gooooddd... please help me...


Awkward. I really want to asked him so many question. My heart and mind were messed up right now. I felt the anger in me come and go. One time I really wanted to yelled at him, angry at him, or even punch him but there some time that I wanted to hug him tight, to kissed him, to release my longing feeling for him.

A week has passed with us doing the project. As me being a doctor here too, I only have a little time to meet him. In the morning we just discuss what to do for the day, and in the evening he just reported what he did. I can not found him during lunch. One of the nurse has told me that she saw Fourth the other day going outside the hospital during lunch.

And this routine we did almost for a month now. With the work load and many surgery really made me tired as hell. Fourth was no different, every evening before he went home, his face looked exhausted. It was almost no time for me to have a decent conversation with him. He really busy with his design, the apps that he develop really going well.

One time, Joong caught me starring at Fourth from my table when he came to my cabin . He got curious and pestering me to tell him why I stared at Fourth like that.

"You starring a lot, dude." Joong whispered to me. I just shrugged my shoulder and left him. "Be ready Ai' Gem, we will perform surgery in one hour!" he shouted.

I just waved at him. I wasn't ready tell him the truth.


Today is Friday. The end of the first month that Fourth worked in here. I never had a chance to talk to him in private, except for the project. After the surgery, I went straight to my cabin to rest. When I opened the door, I saw Fourth was gathering his things ready to go home.

"Going home already?" He turned to me and nodded. I can't take it anymore, I have to talk to him. As he was about to leave the room, I held his wrist.

"Wait..we need to talk!" I held his wrist tightly. He looked at me coldly.

"There's nothing to talk about! Let go off me, let's be professional here!" He glared at me try to let go of my hands, but I was stronger, I still held him.

"Fourth, there are so much we NEED to talk!!" I challenged his stare.

"NO!" he yelled at me. "LET ME GO GEM!!"

"NO!!" I yelled back. I don't care if someone heard us from outside.

"What do you want Gem?? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW??" He cried. "DO YOU WANT TO KICK ME OUT AGAIN?? WAS IT NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU TO HURT ME?? HUH?" He cried a lot know. I startled at his burst. I let go of his hand, he stormed out the room. I was just froze in my place. Shocked to see him burst like that. What did I do?? Why did he react like that??

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