Chapter 18

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First of all, I would like to thank everyone that read my book. It's means a lot for me. This my first time writing and I had so many good feedback. Omg... I want to cry... 😭 I'm sooooo happy.. Khob khun kha...


The next day, Fourth woke up so early in the morning. He couldn't sleep properly last night. He thought about so many things, like the way how to tell Dew about Gemini and how to tell Gemini about the meeting between him and his mom seven years ago.

Mr. Kit message him last night that he would do anything to help him find the one who responsible for his pictures at the bar. He really thanked Gem's father for this.

Fourth decided to do the chores since it was just 5 am in the morning. Then he would cook breakfast for Dew and Gemini before they wake up.

In Dew's bedroom, Gemini woke up with a light feelings not like days before. Maybe this is the answered why he felt something was wrong in him before he met Fourth and Dew.

He got off the bed slowly so that Dew didn't wake up yet. When he was about to reached the door knob, he heard Dew mumbling something, he stand for a while then he heard again...

"... Daddy..."

Gemini sat back on the bed facing Dew, but his eyes still close. He was still sleeping.

"Yes baby.. Daddy is here.. Don't worry na.. Everything is gonna be alright, I promise.. I love you and your Pop so much.. " Gemini kissed Dew's head and his tears slipped from his eyes.

He wiped his tears then got out of the room. He saw Fourth in the kitchen, he couldn't help to watched Fourth cooking, his movements was so gentle, he remember that Fourth would always cook for him whenever he stayed at his condo.

"Ehm.. " He let his presence be known by Fourth.

"Oh you're up,, Dew still sleeping?" He asked.

"Yeah.. Can I help you with anything?"

"No need it will be done in no time,, I just make a simple pancake, do you still like it?" Fourth asked him while pouring the batter into a pan.

"I loved everything that you cook, remember?"

Fourth blushed and he nodded. "You know.... You won't believe it that Dew is really addicted to my pancake. " Fourth chuckled.

"Really?? He is definitely my son." Gemini grinned.. But stopped when he heard Fourth.

"Off course he is your son, who else?" Fourth expression changed, Gemini immediately corrected his words.

" No.. I mean.. It's just a phrase.. Off course he is my son. Just look at him, he get his good look from me-"

Fourth snorted hearing Gemini said that. "Narcissistic!" He smiled and turned off the stove.

Gemini was really happy to see Fourth's smile.

"I love your smile.. "

Fourth turned his head to Gemini. Gemini walked slowly towards him. They both still maintained eye contact. Fourth too stunned to move, Gemini was so close to him right now. Gemini's hand reached Fourth's neck, he caressed it so gently, then he pulled Fourth's head towards him slowly.. Gemini broke the eye contact. His eyes went to Fourth's lips. He leaned closer but suddenly Fourth blocked his lips with his palm.

"You haven't brushed your teeth....come get me again if you done it!" Fourth whispered in Gemini's ears. Fourth's seductive voice just awakened his rod down there. Fourth smirked and left him there hanging.

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