Chapter 11

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Gemini rubbed his face. "I will ask you the last time Fourth, who was that man??"

"I-i don't know.. " Fourth was crying right now.

"Why did you kissed him if you don't know, huh??" Gem was mad. He stood up and was about to left when Fourth grabbed his hand.

"I swear I don't know him Gem, after I saw you in that cafe, I was going to meet Phuwin there.!"

Gemini stayed silent.


"You accused me, but in fact you are the one who did it!" Gemini released his hand a little bit hard and that made Fourth stumble. Gemini ignore it and left Fourth house fumed.

Fourth followed Gem to his car, he tried to explain again but Gem just got into his car and slammed the door. He left Fourth there crying.

Fourth went back to his house and to his bedroom. He cried a lot. He called Gemini over and over again but he didn't pick up the call. Until he felt asleep exhausted.

At noon, his mom came home. She called Fourth to help her with her groceries. But Fourth didn't show up so she thought maybe Fourth had go to college. She took her groceries to the kitchen alone.

When she was about to put them, she realized that Fourth shoes are still in the rack. She went upstairs to check on Fourth. The door was locked. She knocked it, but there were no sounds at all. She took her phone and tried calling him and the sounds of his ringtone heard from his bedroom. So Fourth was home.

She was worried, he knocked and called Fourth but he didn't answered. So she called Phuwin this time.

[Swadee khap Mae,, ]

"Swadee kha luk.."

[Why do you call Mae? ]

"Phu, Fourth locked himself in his bedroom. Can you come here? He didn't answered when I called."

[Okay Mae,, I'll be right there. ] phuwin's voice sounds worried.

"Thank you na luk.."

Phuwin arrived half an hour later. After he greeted Fourth's mom, he goes to Fourth bedroom..

"Fourth.. Meung.. It's me.. Open the door please," Phuwin knocked and begged Fourth to open it. After sometime, the door was unlocked. Jam and Phuwin entered it and saw Fourth curled up in bed.

"Fourth.. Son.. What happen na?? Why are you Like this??" Jam went to bed and hugged her son. Phuwin sat at the bed too.

"Meung.. What happened?"

Fourth still cried. They let him like that for a while and finally Fourth started to talk. He narated what happen to him slowly. From the meeting with Gemini's mom to the pictures of him kissing someone.

Jam cried too while hugging his son. She cannot bear the state of his son broken like this. She never saw Fourth like this. It broke her heart too.

Phuwin was furious, he was sure that Fourth was being framed. He wanted to prove his suspicion.

"There were be CCTV in that bar Fourth, I'll find the proof, don't worry okay.."

Fourth just stayed crying silently.

Phuwin excused himself and told them to not worry, he would go to that bar to find the proof.

He called his boyfriend to accompany him. He would meet Pond there.


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