Chapter 25

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Gemini and Fourth were enjoying their honeymoon so much. They went to different places everyday. Gemini was true, he would give anything what Fourth's want. They took a lot of photo together and off course they made love every time possible.

"Hun.. Thank you for bringing me here... This is the place that I thought I couldn't reach. I really love this place Gem.. It's breathtaking." Fourth said and resting his arm at the side of the pool.

Gemini wrapped his arm around him, back hugging him, while he rest his chin in Fourth's shoulder. "I've never been here as well babe, but I knew this place was beautiful just like you.." He kissed Fourth's neck. Fourth blushed and smiled to him. Gemini really know how to make his husband flustered.

Gemini booked a private villa with infinity pool that overlooks the sea and the lights down there was great at night. And now they enjoyed the night at the pool under the moonlight.

"I still can't believe that we could reached this far.. When I lost you, I really thought that everything was over. Marrying you was used to be my dream.. and now it finally came true.." Fourth said.

Gemini nuzzled his nose to his neck, he kissed and sniffed him. "Me too babe,, I thought that I couldn't meet you again.. I didn't know you'll believe it or not, when I first saw you again at our first meeting in the hospital, I just had a hunch that all my suffering years would end. And you'll be in my arms again.. God might be heard my prayer all these years. So he gave you back to me.." Gemini said while his hand stroking Fourth's belly.

"I wanted to take our kids one day here.." Fourth said.

"Hmm.. One day baby.."

"You better work hard, Sir.. That will cost a lot.." Fourth said laughing.

"Why you have to ruin the mood, hmm??" Gemini pinched Fourth's cheek softly. They laughed together.

"Tomorrow we'll be back home.. I missed our Champ so much.. But when I video called him last night, he seemed not missing us that much," Fourth's chuckled then turned his body facing his husband. "Your parents were spoiling him so much."

"I know.. Dew was a blessed for us babe,, I'll thank you million times for bringing him to our life.." Gemini kissed his cheek then he moved to his mouth. They continued kissing until Fourth moaned when Gemini knead his ass under the pool.

Gemini kept kissing him until Fourth felt that his boxer slowly slipping down to his knees and down to his feet. Gemini placed it outside the pool. When Gemini grabbed his waist and grinded his cock to Fourth's, Fourth knew that his husband already naked. Fourth was so excited, he had dreamed about making love in the open space back then when they were dating. 

Gemini then turned Fourth's body again so his back was facing him. He pressed his cock to Fourth's ass cheeks while he plants gentle kisses on his neck.  Gemini's hand traveled to his chest and played with his nipple and the tip of his cock was poking Fourth's hole. 

Gemini slowly entered him making Fourth screamed. "Ohh fuckk..Gem..." Fourth breath hitched as he felt his inside slowly being stretched by his enormous cock. Thanks to the water as it lessen the pain in his hole. 

"I love you Fourth...I love you so much.." Gemini whispered in his ears while thrusting his cock. Gemini wrapped his arm around Fourth and pulled him closer causing his hard cock to delve deeper into him.

"Ngghhh.. Gem it feels so good.." Fourth moaned. Gemini's cock moving in and out slowly inside him making Fourth's body arching in frenzy. Fourth wanted Gemini to moved faster sop he pushed his ass towards him to take him further. "Babe..faster please.. fuck me hard..I can take it."

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