Chapter 20 🔞

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When I arrived at the Hospital, I went to my father's cabin directly. I met Mark on the way there. He asked me about the vacation, I told him that I'll tell him later, I need to see my father now.

I knocked on the door and I heard my father voice that let me come in.

"Swadee khub Por,," I said to him.

"Swadee Gem.. What is it?" He asked me.

I sat in front of him then I told him what Fourth said to me. Por seemed to connect everything. I saw how his exoression changed.

"Por, is it possible if mom was behind all of this?"

"We cannot jump to conclusion like that, Gem.. We don't have the proof if your mom was behind this.. "

"But what's her purpose then?? Called Fourth out of the blue asked him to meet her??" I didn't understand. "If Mae wanted to talk about me and Fourth she should including me, right??"

"Yes.. You got the point.. You said that your Mae showed Fourth your photo with Prim.. Did she dislike Fourth somuch?"

"From what Fourth said, yes.. Mae didn't want him to be my boyfriend. She wanted Prim.. But I'd never..!" I said.

"And you said that after Fourth met Your Mae, he saw you in that cafe too?"

I nodded. Did Mae do it on purpose?

"Because the next day, I received that pictures of Fourth with a man kissing.! It was weird, right Por?"

"Look Gem,, we need to be careful from now ok, we need to find the proof,, whatever it is. I'll help you to find it... Now just be civil with your mom, act like you still didn't meet Fourth.."

I nodded again..

"You have to tell Prim about this too Gem, if you said that Prim loved Mark then we should find a way to call off the wedding!"

I really thanked my father for this. He was so supportive with me and Fourth. Actually, I knew my mother always see someone from their status and background. But I never thought that she would go this far.

"Ok Por, I got to go now, I have a patient to meet in an hour." I said to him.

"Ok we'll talk later," He said.

When I was about to go to my cabin, Mark called me.

"Gem.. Prim just call me, she said that her mom saw you at the mall with a child and her mom told yours too?" He asked me.

"Yes.. But my mom didn't want to believe it I guess. And.. " I looked around us, I'm afraid that anyone could eavesdropping. So I asked Mark to come to my cabin.

"What is it Gem?" He asked while sitting in front of me.

"That my son. My son with Fourth." I said.

He gasped, "You have a son? With Fourth? Wooww.. I knew that you and Fourth used to date before. But... I didn't... "

"I just knew it three days ago, we broke up in a bad term, Mark.. He didn't knew either that he was pregnant back then.. He just knew when I already left to Boston.!"

"Woaww congratulations dude,,I'm happy for you.. Actually me and Fourth have a similarity, we both came from a commoner family.. While you and Prim.. We could say a Rich, well known people.. And we both fell in love with someone like you both." He said. "I know what he feel back then, being forced to separate.. It sucked!"

"Yeah.. I'm sorry for you and Prim too Mark, Prim is a good girl, wise and smart.. If I'm not a proud gay, I definitely would fall for her." I said. Mark smiled.

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