Chapter 6

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Joong was about to go home when one of the nurse told him that she heard shouting voices from Gem's cabin. So Joong went straight there. He was about to knock when suddenly Fourth stormed out of room, crying.

Joong entered Gem's cabin, he saw Gem was devastated.

"Meung, what's happen?" Joong sat beside Gemini.

Gemini was silent. Joong didn't knew how to cheer his best friend. He waited for Gem to talk.

"He was my ex, we break up seven years ago." Gem opened up to him. "That should be me who mad at him, why he burst like that?? He was the one who betrayed me!"

Joong knew now that Fourth was the one that made Gemini didn't believe in love anymore. Gemini had told Joong that he can't move on from his past. That his past always traumatized him for a new relationship.

"Let him be for now Gem, you both need to cool down. You can't talk to him when you both are not in your right mind. You are this angry, and he was looked broken. Just try to talk to him again nicely tomorrow," Joong really knew his best friend temper. Gem can be so cruel when he was angry.

Joong and Gemini were friend when they both study medical in Boston, USA. They became best friend not just because of they came from Thailand, but because they came from similar background. Joong family own the biggest Pharmacy Company in Thailand. And Joong too was an only child and will be the Heir to his parent's company. They shared not only Joy but misery being an Heir .


Fourth went to his mom's house. He looked terrible with red swollen eyes. He entered the house, his mom heard the door opened. Then his mom saw Fourth's face like that.

"Fourth, what happen, Son? " His mom, Jam asked Fourth worried.

Fourth hugged his mother tight and cried again.
"He is back, Mae.. My pain is back!"

Jam knew who is Fourth refer to. She embraced Fourth in her hand. "It's okay Son.. Mae is here, you have me, you have Dew now. Be strong na.." Jam patted Fourth's head tenderly tried to calm him.

After Fourth calmed, Jam told him to take a bath and stay the night here. Dew was already sleeping in his room. (Fourth's old room)

Fourth nodded and left to his room. After he freshened up, he went to bed beside his son. He looked at Dew's face, the resemblance was very clear. Fourth can never forget what happened to him seven years ago. Like a flash, all his memories came running in his mind.


Today was Fourth and Gemini 3rd years anniversary.. They were boyfriends since high school. Now, they're in their 2nd years of college. They enrolled in the same university but studied in different field. Fourth study Informatics Engineering while Gemini studied Medical.

For the celebration, Gemini planned a Dinner with his beautiful boyfriend. He got so excited because this is not just anniversary dinner, but the first time he will introduced Fourth to his parents. Sadly his father cannot joined this time, he had a major surgery in the Hospital.

In the evening, around 7 pm, Gemini picked up Fourth from his house. Gemini brought him to a fine dining restaurant. This was the first time too that they ate at the fancy restaurant. He wanted to impress Fourth and wanted to make his mom comfortable.

"Woaah Gem, why we had dinner at this place?? I know you are rich, but we can just had dinner at our usual place." Fourth cannot took his eyes from the glamor looked in front of him.

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