Chapter 14

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Author POV

Phuwin was worried about Fourth. He didn't want Fourth to get hurt again.

"Why did you stop me there Ai' Pond??" He complained to his boyfriend. "I didn't trust him! And I hate him!"

"But Fourth loved him, Phu. We both know that Deep down in his heart, he still love him!" Pond tried to explain to Phuwin. "Fourth would never moved on. Give them time Phu, they both really need their closure."

"Wait.. Wait.. Wait.. Is it Gemini we're talking about?? Gemini was Fourth's ex??" Dunk gasped. He just realized it. The thing that Phuwin and Pond talking about was Phuwin scared Fourth would get hurt again. And now Fourth was with Joong and Gemini. It was impossible if it Joong. It must be Gemini.

Phuwin and Pond looked at each other, they forgot about Dunk sat at the back seat.

"Yes,," Phuwin answered it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Dunk asked.

"It was not our right to tell you, Dunk. Maybe Fourth wasn't ready to tell you." Pond reason it.

"You knew Fourth's past right, he told you what he's been through, and now you know the one who responsible of all misery in Fourth's life was Gemini." Phuwin told him.

"Oh my God, is that why he asked about Fourth yesterday," Dunk mumbled softly the last sentence.

"What??" Phuwin turned his head to him.

"Oh nothing.. " Dunk said. Oh my.. I hope Fourth never knew that I told Gemini about him yesterday.

Mr. Kit

"Hello Mr. Kit"

I nodded at him and gestured him to sit.

He gave me an envelope. "Is this all?" I asked him.


I opened the envelope, I was shocked.

Name : Fourth Nattawat JirochtikulDate of Birth : Bangkok, October 18, 1996Nationality : ThaiHeight : 175 cmEducation : Bachelor of Informatic Engineering at St

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Name : Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul
Date of Birth : Bangkok, October 18, 1996
Nationality : Thai
Height : 175 cm
Education : Bachelor of Informatic Engineering at St. Gabrielle University,  2017
Status : Bearer
Date of gave Birth : April 18, 2016 at 15.48 pm C-Section

48 pm C-Section

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