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Naruto's POV

We're on a boat, travelling from the mainland to the land of waves. How long has it been since we've been in the land of the waves? No reply. Kurama?

"Trying to sleep here."

...Lazy fox.

"Stubborn commander."





I scowl, not noticing a certain Uchiha as he raises an eyebrow at me as I wage a war inside my head. Our fights come up randomly... and often.... The boat comes to a stop. Kakashi thanks the owner of the boat, who nods, and we get out, continuing our walk once the boat gets out of view. As we walk into a clearing in the forest near the lake, I perk up, something catching my senses.

I hurl a kunai into the bushes, the familiar thump as the kunai collides with flesh and wood. 

Sakura turns to me, and everyone stops. "What the-" I hold up a hand to cut her off, and I walk toward the bushes, revealing to everyone a snow rabbit, impaled to a tree with my kunai.

"You just killed an innocent bunny, idiot!" Sakura screams at me. I narrow my eyes at the rabbit. It's summer...

"Everyone duck!" I growl, thankful everyone does as they're told and ducks as a giant bandaged sword flies overhead, hitting the spot above the snow rabbit. 

"A sharp student, you got there, Kakashi of the sharingan." A voice says above us. He jumps, and lands on his sword, a few inches from me. Zabuza Momochi, I sigh inwardly, taking a few steps back, a kunai out and ready. Not hard to recognize from studying the bingo book so much. I pretend to be afraid. Sasuke perks up at the mention of Kakashi's sharingan. 

"Zabuza Momochi." Kakashi says, lifting his headband to reveal his three-tomoe sharingan. He steps in front of me. "You three. Get back and protect Zabuza. This mission just turned into an A-rank mission."

I step back in line with Sakura and Sasuke, both of which are trembling. Sasuke more with confusion and anger. I stare at Zabuza, amused. 

One of the seven swordmen of the mist, listed as "do not approach" in the bingo book. I refrain from smirking. I'm listed as "run for dear life."


I know, I know. Just leave this to me. I won't push it. 

A mist envelopes us, blocking Kakashi from our view. Hidden mist jutsu.

A voice is heard, coming from nowhere, and everywhere. Well, coming from the tree, but who else knows? "The heart, the kidneys, the jugular, the spine..." Zabuza mumbles. I let out a "tch," and turn to Sasuke and Sakura. 

"Sakura. Stay with the old man. Sasuke. Follow me." I say, and with that, I run deeper into the mist. The sounds of jumping and clangs of metal echo in the air. They've started fighting. Sasuke runs with me, grimacing.

We reach the lake, and see Zabuza trap Kakashi in a water prison jutsu. Kakashi, worn out and panting, spots us. 

"Naruto! Sasuke! Get out of here!" He shouts. I roll my eyes. Now Momochi spotted us, smart guy.

"No! We're not leaving you!" I protest, putting on my act. My, how you've fallen, Kakashi. Can't even handle one rogue ninja?

"Well, some determined brats, you've got there, Kakashi." Zabuza smirks at us. "Too bad they're gonna die. Water clones!" He shouts, forming a hand sign with his left hand, and five clones materialize from the water. 

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