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Naruto's POV- 3 days later

The first few days were absolute hell. I just laid there in my new room, under the covers, dressed in Sasuke's clothes, curled up into a fetal position. Tears were streaming rapidly down my cheeks- and I couldn't get them to stop. 

I had just remembered that I still had the necklace Sasuke gave me for my birthday. I don't why I didn't realize it sooner. I cup my hands around the crystal and squeeze, sobbing. He told me to hold it, or give it a rub whenever I thought of him, whenever he wasn't there.

Itachi tried getting me up multiple times these past few days- but each attempt was futile. I stay in bed for what seemed like forever- not once getting up for food or water. I only went to the bathroom if needed.

My chest hurt like hell- it was hard to breathe. I kept trying so hard to go into the sweet bliss of sleep, but I couldn't. Like I was getting punished or something, not being allowed to take a break from reality. So I laid there.

Today, Itachi had enough. He dragged me out of bed, forced me to take a shower, and made me eat the breakfast which he made for me.

"Snap out of it, Naruto." Itachi said sternly when he caught me just staring at the food in a daze. "I told you- I won't have you doing nothing in this house. Go outside, train, or go explore. There's a village a few miles away from here- but you need to distract yourself."

I continue staring at the food. Miraculously, my tears had stopped. I didn't feel like eating though- I didn't feel like doing anything. I wanted to go back to bed. But I knew Itachi was right. Slowly, I lifted my arm up to reach the chopsticks. I forced myself to eat. My arm was so heavy- it took so much energy just to bring food up to my mouth. I heard Itachi sigh.

"Do you have medication?" He asked, which caught me off-guard. 

"...I left them," I managed, my voice hoarse from the lack of water and not using it in a few days. Itachi let out another sigh.

"Look, just- get some fresh air after you eat. You need it. I'll be going out soon, and I won't be back until late afternoon." He says, and from the corner of my eye, I see him cross his arms. I manage to nod weakly. I didn't have the energy to argue.

2 weeks later

Distract myself, he had said. And so that has become my new motivation. Most days I would train until I collapse from exhaustion, practicing new things with Kurama. He doesn't talk much though- not that I mind the silence.

In my free time, I scope the area around the waterfall. It's a fairly large forest- I'm surprised Itachi found a place like this. He goes out everyday, so I'm usually alone. I'm assuming he needs to do work for the Akatsuki.

It doesn't hurt any less. Each night I cry myself to sleep- though I usually can't sleep anyway, so I just end up crying the whole night. I keep trying to push him out of my thoughts, but I can't. Sasuke. You're always on my mind. How are you doing?

I'm always wearing his clothes- maybe it's becoming habit. To remind me of him. But I should also probably get some new ones, because it's awkward when Itachi stares at me in amusement whenever I wear a shirt with the Uchiha crest on it.

Two months later

Itachi has given me a list of all of the members in the Akatsuki, including info on them. Deidara, Sasori, Kisame, Konan, Pain, Hidan, Kakuzu, Zetsu. I'm going to force myself to remember all of them. Itachi also told me Orochimaru used to be a member as well- until he got kicked out. Apparent he tried to steal Itachi's eyes. ...I'd expect nothing less from that disgusting snake.

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