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Sasuke's POV

I open my eyes groggily, wincing as sunlight fills my vision. Wait... where am I? I feel solid ground beneath me, and the cool wisps of air blowing around me remind me that I'm not in my own bed.

Then I remember last night's events, and the fact that Naruto and I spent the night up here, on the Fourth's Hokage's head monument. I think I eventually fell asleep though. I let out a small sigh, and smile. Naruto... we're together now, aren't we? He's finally mine.

Wait. Am I laying on his lap? My eyes widen, and I shoot up. Naruto jolts a bit next to me. He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey. You're awake." He says, and I blush. We're still holding hands- I really hope my hand wasn't clammy when I slept.

"Hey." Is all I can think of to reply.

"You're cute when you sleep." Naruto muses suddenly, grinning. My face must look like a tomato right now. I watch as he chuckles a bit, and gets up. I follow suit.

"Also... I have errands today- are you okay with coming along?" He asks, motioning to our hands. "And staying like this?" I nod without hesitation. I want to spend every minute with him.

"Yeah- I'm okay." I say. 

Naruto smiles again, and nods back, and before I process it, he shunshins us down to the village.


After a few minutes of walking through the main street of the village, I realize- Naruto never told me what kind of things he needed to do. But oh well. Suddenly, we catch sight of the rest of our friends. They're walking together, laughing and talking. Kiba spots us first.

"Naruto! Sasuke! There you are! Where were you guys yesterday? We were all having a get-together, but we couldn't find you two!" He shouts, waving his hand as we walk up to them. Naruto and I sweatdrop.

"Well- um-" Naruto starts. From the corner of my eye, I see Sakura notice that we're holding hands. Shit. Then she looks at me, her eyes wide, and I watch in horror as her face shifts to an evil smirk. Ohhhh shit.

I start sweating profusely as she walks up to the two of us, nudging me with her elbow. 

"Oh~ What's this, you two?" She grins teasingly, motioning to our hands, and I shake her off, my face turning hot. Naruto looks confused for a moment, before he realizes what's going on. His eyes widen and he turns red. I turn my head slowly to look at the others, watching as they start to realize what's happening.

"Wait... no way." Kiba breathes out. Ino and Hinata stare at us with wide eyes. Shikamaru stares at us with a half amused face, and a half non-surprised face. Neji and Tenten just stares at us, not sure how to react.

"Yeah... we were planning to tell you guys today." Naruto says, laughing sheepishly.

"Who would've thought..." Tenten mumbles, trying to hide her smile. 

"We're happy for you guys." Sakura says, smiling, and winking at me. I refrain from deadpanning.

"...Thanks." I manage. Then we all sink into an awkward silence until Choji perks up.

"Did you guys kiss yet?" He shouts, and Shikamaru clasps a hand over his mouth. Shikamaru sweatdrops.

"Choji..." He whisper-hissed. Then he lets out one of his sighs, and he turns back to us. "You guys don't have to answer that." 

Although- looking at all of their faces, they're all curious. I let out a long exhale.

"...We did." I say slowly. Shikamaru raises an eyebrow, smiling a bit, and Sakura and Ino screech.

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