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A myriad of apologies for the long wait! Here's another chapter (>v<)


Sasuke's POV

When I go into the Hokage's office, I see Sakura and Kakashi-sensei already over there. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. It's rare for the three of us to have the same mission together nowadays. It must be serious.

"Ah, Sasuke." Lady Tsunade says, noting my presence as I enter the room. "Good, now we can start."

I go up and stand between Sakura and Kakashi-sensei, clenching my fists involuntarily. I debated telling her about Naruto, but what good would that do? It might make things more complicated than it has to be, and besides- Kakashi-sensei's here too. From the looks of Lady Tsunade's face, Sakura hasn't told her yet, so neither would I. I felt a little guilty leaving Naruto alone in the apartment- it felt wrong, leaving him so soon after we were reunited.

"Now, this mission is critical." Lady Tsunade starts, snapping me out of my thoughts. "We got a call for help from the Sand- it seems that the village has been attacked a day or two ago, and the Kazekage, Gaara, has been kidnapped by two unidentified Akatsuki members. One of the Sand jonin, Kankuro, has been poisoned by an unknown poison after an attempt to chase after them, so they are asking for a medical ninja to go as well. Your mission will be to go to the Sand, and find out what you can, help them with what they need."

My eyes widened. Gaara? Kidnapped? 

"Locate the Kazekage at all costs- he is the top priority. If you can, avoid fighting the Akatsuki. If they can take down even the Kazekage, I want you all to be careful." Her eyes narrow. "Kakashi. You'll be the leader of this mission. I leave it in your hands." 

Kakashi nods. "We'll head out as soon as we can."

My jaw tightens. Isn't the Akatsuki the organization Itachi's in? Would I see him? And if they're really that formidable- 

"Lady Tsunade, if I may, I believe I'll be a useful addition to this team," An all too familiar voice says from behind us.

Sakura, Kakashi, and I whip our heads around and see Naruto leaning against the closed door, arms crossed across his chest, a grin on his face. My eyes widen further. What is he doing here?

"N-Naruto?!" Lady Tsunade shouts, standing up. "What are you doing here??" Her eyes are also wide, her mouth agape and in shock. Naruto rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Well- I wanted to see you, and I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, so I decided that I wanted to join." His face suddenly turns serious. "Gaara is my friend too, and I want to help." I frowned slightly at that. Obviously there was more to it than just that.

Lady Tsunade slams her hands on the Hokage's desk, startling us all. "You brat-! I meant what the hell are you doing back here after all these years! Where have you been- you've been worrying us all!"

Naruto sweatdrops, frowning. "I um. Traveling, here and there? I'm sorry I left- I made mistakes, I was in a dark place, and I needed to find myself- but I'm back now. I want to fix things- starting with this mission, if you'll let me."

"Besides, I've been gathering info on the Akatsuki on my travels, so I can help." He smiles again, and I can't help but notice that his smile is strained. Worry tugs at my chest- I have the sudden urge to go to him and hug him. But I know I can't.

"Well then- why did you leave??" Lady Tsunade asks, her voice low now, cracking. We were all impacted by Naruto's absence, that I know. Lady Tsunade thought of Naruto like a son.

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