
547 18 13

Andddd my promise of posting more frequently goes down the drain! (I apologize. Kill me now ;-;) Enjoy the chapter! I foresee maybe 10-ish chapters left and we're done! It's been a little over a year since I've started this, and I'm really happy with where this is going- (that is, if I can fucking post. more. frequently. Urgh.) Thank you all for da supports! Ok bye!!!

The continuation of the cliffhanger starts here:


Naruto's POV

The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor pisses me off. In the silence of the hospital room, the constant beep! beep! is driving me insane, and I have an urge to drive a fist through it. I can't, though. I know I can't.

Instead, I focus on Sasuke's unconscious body, watching as his chest rises and falls peacefully as he lays under the covers of the hospital bed. My hands are clasped tightly together, nails digging into my skin to keep me alert and sane. I should've known this would happen. Itachi's eyes affect him too, if he uses it too much. Why didn't I think of the same for Sasuke? Why didn't I plan for this ahead?

Why am I still so stupid, so clueless, so useless?

The door to the room slides open, and my hand instinctively goes to my weapons pouch. I relax slightly when I see it's only Lady Tsunade. Her face is set, lips pulled into a frown as she approaches me, arms crossed. She looks at me with what I can only assume are pity and disappointment as she stops at the foot of the bed.

I can't return her gaze, so I look at Sasuke once more.

"...I don't even know where to begin, Naruto," I hear her sigh after a few moments of silence. I say nothing, my face a blank expression. "You just- why do you always have to do stuff like this? You just got back, and you pull something as big as killing a village elder-"

She cuts herself off, possibly realizing that it's not the time to lecture me. She sighs again. I'm barely listening to her though- I'm busy beating myself up in my mind as I stare at Sasuke's body, as if I can will him into consciousness again.

"I looked into Danzo more, like you asked me to." She says finally, shaking her head. "I can't believe he's done what he's done- and certainly he needed to be punished, but you can't just go exacting revenge and justice yourself, okay?" She paused. "...We'll come up with another punishment for you later."

"Don't punish Sasuke," I whispered. My voice is barely audible. "It was my fault I dragged him into it."

I can feel her eyes on me, staring with sympathy and pain. 

"How is he?" I asked, changing the subject slightly. She came in not just to lecture me, I'm sure. She's been coming in every few hours or so, checking on Sasuke's condition.

If it's even possible, I feel her pity for me increase. "...You should know already, Naruto."

I don't answer that. Yes. I admit. My eyes have been trained on his this whole time, monitoring and watching his chakra system and occasionally putting my own healing chakra into him to try and help- nothing works. ...He won't wake up.

It's probably nothing. I'm probably overreacting. It's only been half a day since we killed Danzo- people who are unconscious can stay that way for a few days. I know that. I know. But I can't get this nagging feeling from me, that it could be much worse. So I'm watching over him. There's a little voice in my head that if I look away for one second, that if I lower my guard even a little bit, he will die and I won't be able to save him and it will be all my fault again and I'll have lost another person and-

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