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Sasuke's POV

"I'll fucking kill you."

My eyes widen at Naruto's words. His aura is so... heavy. Nothing I've ever felt before- this is nothing compared to his killer intent from the past. The cave has gone immensely quiet, and even the two Akatsuki members are in shock. The yellow haired one sweatdrops, his visible eye wide.

Kakashi and the others are also speechless- I can sense their slight fear. A red, black chakra emits from Naruto's body, making him glow. His eyes are red too... and his face is so- emotionless. 

Naruto's eyes never leave Gaara's body. 

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. The anger and grief radiate from Naruto- and I'm afraid anything I say might be like setting off a bomb. All of us seem to be holding our breaths.

Much to all of our dismay, the yellow haired Akatsuki member speaks. 

"S-so it seems Itachi was right, eh Sasori? The nine-tails will be the one to threaten to kill us first." He muses, trying to keep a cool look on his face. The other Akatsuki looks like he wants to strangle him for speaking.

"That was a warning, Deidara. Not a threat." Naruto replies, and his voice has kind of a low, rumbling sound to it- like its coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The yellow haired Akatsuki, Deidara, bristles at the fact that Naruto knows his name.

I look at Kakashi, my face trying to say, "what do we do?"

But Kakashi's body is tense, and his face pale, like he's remembering something. Remembering Naruto from the past, perhaps. He merely shakes his head.

Suddenly, a large clay bird appears before Deidara. With a grimace, he stores Gaara in its beak, and climbs on the bird's back, starting to fly out of the cave.

"Sasori! I'll lead some of them away- you catch up later!" He shouts back, and the other Akatsuki, Sasori, merely grunts, regaining his composure. But what scares me is the fact that Naruto lets Deidara leave with Gaara. 

"...You guys go get Gaara. Lady Chiyo and I can stay," Sakura says finally, taking out a kunai. She looks nervous. Whether its because of Naruto or because of the enemy she's about to face, I don't know.

Naruto flits his red eyes over to her, his face neutral. He stares at her for a moment, as if thinking about it. Then he tosses her an oddly shaped kunai, with three prongs and a jutsu formula on it.

"If you need help," He simply says, just as Sakura catches it. She flashes him a small smile.

"We can handle it."

The ghost of a smile flits across Naruto's face. "I know."

And with that, he shunshins away, chasing after Deidara. I grit my teeth and frown, and follow him, with Kakashi on my tail.

Naruto's POV

Currently, I'm leaping branch from branch through the ravine, following Deidara's clay bird. Surprisingly, I feel... fine. Decently fine, to the point where I can manage a neutral look, though I am faintly aware that I'm still emitting a blackish chakra.

I sense Sasuke and Kakashi on my tail, but I pay them no mind, even when I feel Sasuke right next to me.

I could kill Deidara right now. I could shunshin up there and stab him or something. But no, something in my mind whispers. You have to make him pay. He doesn't deserve a quick death. Toy with him.

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