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I'm sorry for the late updateeeee ;-; I've been so busy studying lately and I kept changing what I wrote because it never seemed good enough. Ima try writing more more thooo


Naruto's POV

Weapons pouches stocked. Both of us energized and ready. Killing a village elder is no small feat- we'll have to shunshin away from the village, and make sure no one else can follow. No one else can know of what we did until after we've done it.

"Shouldn't we at least tell Lady Hokage?" Sasuke asks, as we're preparing the next morning. "Or Sakura?"

"Sakura will want to join us, and Lady Tsunade will want to stop us," I say simply, to which Sasuke purses his lips. He says nothing else.

"Well then," I say, kunai in hand. "Ready? We follow the plan."

"I'll be here if you need me."

Thanks, Kura.

Sasuke nods, and grabs onto my shoulder. And we shunshin away.


We appear in the same room I met up with Danzo in. I'm instantly behind him, with Sasuke close by, and I place a kunai at the bastard's neck. I feel his breath catch in surprise as I place a hand on his shoulder.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Sai, and internally curse. Shit! Why is he here too? He stares at us with wide eyes, not sure what to do.

I grit my teeth, and shunshin once more, Sasuke on my tail. Sai will have to be dealt with later.


At Samurai bridge, Danzo knocks my hand away, blocking with his own kunai, and jumping away to face us. His face is contorted into an ugly, seething face of disgust. Finally. Some emotion. Time to focus on the task at hand.

"You- you are committing a crime against the Leaf!" He shouts. "The consequences for attacking a Leaf Elder will be on your heads!" He seems to finally catch sight of Sasuke next to me, and he sneers, crouching into a defensive position. "You've managed to pull the last Uchiha in this too? Has he filled you with demonic lies, boy?" That last sentence was directed at Sasuke.

Sasuke frowns, his eyes spinning into sharingan. "No lies," he says coolly, which seems to tick off Danzo even more.

And there it is again. That overwhelming pressure that is so, so wrong. Sasuke and I tense, watching as Danzo straightens up, and begins to untie his bandages. He glares at us evenly as he does. We're here to fight, and now he's getting serious too.

His silk bandages fall to the ground, revealing ten sharingans embedded into his right arm, forever unblinking. It doesn't look like something that was once in a human. His right arm is completely different than the rest of his body- it's a sickly shade of white and gray, and its texture is not one of human skin. The odd texture seems to go all the way to his shoulder, stopping just before it reaches his chest. My eyes widen at the sight, and my blood turns to ice. Not yet does he remove the bandage on his eye.

On his shoulder is a face. Though not any face- it's the First Hokage's face. So that's it. His right arm consists of the First Hokage's cells, which is how he was able to attach all those sharingans.

My eyes narrowed as I grimaced. Sasuke is clenching his jaw, the unadulterated rage flashing in his eyes. 

"We follow the plan," I whisper. He nods.

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