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Tsunade's POV

Lady Tsunade-

I apologize for sending this to you at such a short notice. But your presence is needed in the Leaf. The chunin exams are taking place, and Orochimaru is back. Of course, I have it handled for now. Currently, I am on a secret mission that puts me in a genin team. I would like you to come back to the Leaf to heal a genin by the name of Rock Lee- his arm and leg were severely injured during the preliminaries and his career as a shinobi is at risk. I would heal him myself, but I have other things to do. You're due for a visit back in the village anyway.

Also- when you get back, I would like you to apprentice one of my teammates. She has excellent chakra control- and has taken a liking to medical ninjutsu. Her name is Sakura Haruno. If you see her, she has pink hair. I think she'd be good for you.

I am asking you to come back as an order. Do not forget what you owe me. Of course, if you still don't wish to come back, I will give you an incentive. I can pay off the multitude of debts you owe- and a little extra if you wish. Again, I apologize for such a short notice.

I hope to see you soon- Kitsune.

I got that letter a few weeks ago. At first, I had no intention of following the brat's orders- I'm a sannin, for goodness sake! But here I am, on the way to the Leaf. 

"Lady Tsunade?" I hear from next to me. I look up from the letter, and see Shizune looking at me, puzzled. Tonton is still in her arms.


Shizune sweatdrops. "That's like the twentieth you've read that letter. What's so special about it?" Tonton oinks in agreement. "Also, we should reach the Leaf by noon."

I nod, sighing. "Alright." I tuck the letter away in my pocket. "And it's nothing special- but, of all the things he could ask- why going back to the village to heal and apprentice some kids? It's not like him. I just can't wrap my head around it."

Shizune cocks her head. "Well, Kitsune is unpredictable." She says, pursing her lips. Then she smiles. "But either way, I'm glad we can go back to the village again! How long has it been, a decade?"

I watch as Shizune starts to walk ahead, humming happily. I repress a sigh. As loyal as she is, I could tell Shizune was getting tired of following me around, picking me up when I was drunk and wasted. This would be good for her- going back to the village, I mean.

Every word in that letter confused me. Orochimaru? He's back? What for- and why the chunin exams, of all times? And what would Kitsune be doing on a genin team? Then again- he's the youngest- it would be easier for him to poise as a genin, for whatever reason that is.

It isn't like him to ask me to apprentice someone. Like he's asking an old friend, which we obviously aren't. Sakura Haruno, huh? Not from any major clan I've heard about... civilian born, maybe? 

I haven't even known Kitsune for long, besides the few times we've met by coincidence. And that one time I stupidly told him I'd be in debt to him. He's finally collecting that debt.  


The thug raises a knife. "You owe the boss a lotta money, lady." He snarls. I sweatdrop, and laugh nervously. Raising my hands in surrender, I step back a bit, Shizune behind me.

"Whoa now... We don't want any trouble. I'm sure we can settle this- I owe you money, right? How much?" Gah, where did I see them before? I owe so much I'm forgetting who I owe them to!

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