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A tiny spark, and suddenly, I am aware of the darkness all around,
It's not cold. Moisture envelopes me like a comforting memory from an unknown past.
Unable to breathe, unable to move,
Think I'll just wait here for a while.

Then, as time passes, there, in the darkness, something moving inside me.
Continuous, rhythmic movement,
Don't know what it is,
Don't care.

I find now I have new appendages.
I feel them move, unsure if by my will or their own will.
Now, at their ends, smaller protrusions, open and close.

Now, finally, I can move them myself,
I feel the urge to put one in my newly formed mouth.
I am startled as I hear muffled sounds from the world outside of my own, sounds that will eventually become just as much a part of my domain.

I can see now for what it's worth,
My darkness is occasionally interrupted by flashes of otherworldly light.
A gentle caressing now accompanies the familiar murmur from outside.

I sleep, and I dream, but upon waking, it's all but a forgotten still frame from an experience I never had.
Flashes of light and I turn to investigate.
It's becoming very snug in my world.

Now I feel some unknown force,
Moving me toward an unknown place.
I feel afraid! Loud frightening sounds from all around.
Not enough room to move now, and the walls are crushing my head.

Something grabs my head, and I feel like it's going to separate from my body.
Screams from behind me, and I am in a cold, dry place.
So much light hurts my eyes, and my head.
I can't breathe.
Suddenly, a sharp pain in my back, and my lungs fill with a thunderous scream....,

I am born!

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