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A sigh passed through her lips,the circular friction directly applied to the nub of her clit as she watched the twitching upper lips of the streamer.

His nose had a beauty mark to it, elegant and poised as alike to Adonis's,the full smirk that countered his mouth, whispering words of praises to his viewers in what had to be the most,soft gentle tone of voice,stark in contrast to the raspy deep baritone of it,her clit throbbing that much harder.

Oh,what to do to find someone as this in her daily reality?

The gaming chair squeaked with each brute movement,both her legs spread to their widest over its handles while her hand dwelled lower, trailing her fingers slow and hard over the pleasure points as she'd been commanded.

"That's it,move you're cunt to the rhythm of you're fingers baby,it's all to the rhythm.."
His voice soft,a twinge of politeness admist it as he whispered in her ear,her head set serving for perfect hearing of his every word.

His every grunt.

Hypnotized,she was.

Taehyung watched as comments passed on in his chat box, different viewers joining and comments alike mushed together.
Yet,he found himself looking for someone specific, someone that would only comment once in a blue moon, someone that's comments always had his dick stirring just the right way.

And it would be with the simplest of words.

"Who of my babies would like to cum to my permission tonight?
I'm making the advanced offer of an addition of praises should you're pleading,persuade me as much."
Tae chuckled lightly, leaning into the screen more as to where the full set of his jaw was much more in sight,the sun kissed melanin of his skin reflecting towards the lighting he used regularly.

Etched on the other side of her screen,her toes curled the harder she pushed into the friction of her clit,still going the slow pace that had been commanded of her at the beginning of the stream,now having the slick sounds of wet bodily fluids trailing down the apex of her thighs.

Especially with the promise of praises that might be delivered,if she was to be the persuasively much.

It had been rare for her to be regocnized,or rather for her to comment in the little chat box on the screen at all. The scarce times she did,she immediately felt shy and shut the stream off.

Ashamed of what she was doing when her boyfriend had been in the room right over.
Yet now, she barely hesitated when leaving her clenching pussy, fingers still glistening with slick so wet,that when she starts to type onto her keyboard it sounds messy.


A word so simple,yet it had the efficiency of catering Taehyung's attention away from the poetry and capitalized letters, straight towards that one singular word.

Why don't you cum for me?
Be a good girl as I imagine,how you taste,hm?"
Tae utters mere seconds after seeing her comment,his hand now stroking a little harsher on the skin of his shaft,the pedicure of his nail digging into his red slit that has been stimulated for the past hour.

"Such a good baby girl you've been, asking me so nicely.
My good girl."
He whispered, tipping her off the brink of her orgasm,legs shaking as she held her first to her mouth,fingers rubbing her through her orgasm while she listened to the raspiness of his voice.

And once again,she had turned to the streamer royalplayer_tae, for the satisfaction she craved for after every sexual enfuckingcounter.


Welcome my pretty babies !!
Are you as excited as me for Taehyung's and Kamazia's tribute to my wattpad account ?!

Please don't hesitate to comment or vote,they always serve as the best medicine for dedication and motivation.
Much love >33

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