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Kamazia tries hiding herself behind his taller frame,her back against the mirror with only one other individual gathered on the elevator,the three of them awkwardly listening to the classical music that echoes in the confines of the cubicle.

She's struggling to keep her shit together some may say,quite palpable with how the digits of her fingers are digging into the sides of her skirt.

It did not exactly help that, that when said only other individual beside her and Mr.Kim, finally reaches his stop,that he is all too eager to escape out of what she might as well assume was an awkwardly tense  situation,sending a wary gaze to Kamazia herself,one that was spelled of curiousity and caution before he nodded his head in respect towards Mr.Kim, leaving them both be as he scurries off to wherever his destination might've been.

She's quite busy with the adjustment of locking her kneecaps into each other,trying to sustain the weight of her scattered nerves on something other than her unstable jelly totted legs,she pushes some of the strands of hair that fell loose from her bun and into her face,back up and into place when she's startled by the sound of his voice.

He says,her shoulders tensing up slightly with the effort of keeping the little bits of her nerves in a tight grip.

For fucks sake,wasn't there one sentence that could utter her mouth without the definite unneeded presence of a nervous stutter?

Taehyung thought it was, cute?

"This is your first day,I'm assuming?"
He asks slowly, bringing his gaze up to hers in the reflection of the mirror while he speaks.

Pity that she can't stand to keep it and glances away.

He watches as her long dark lashes flicker abit as she ponders over her answer,her gaze keeping his steadily,before she realises that she's stalling by keeping silent and her hazel orbs flit away again.

"Yes sir."
Her voice doesn't sound as squeaky as it did quite a while ago,and Kamazia feels the pure relief that floods her veins.

Until she catches Mr.Kim still watching her through the mirror,and her cheeks heat beneath her brown melanin,the blunt ends of her teeth worrying her pouty lower lip as she grows shy immediately.

He hums,and she's too busy fidgeting with her hands to realize that there sits a small smirk on his sensual lips,the message clear.

He was definitely a bit piqued with interest in the shy lady that had kneeled before him not too long ago.

He does not let his mind wander farther then that,he does not.

They come to a stop on his floor,where only his office and the one of his personal assistant were occupied,the 15th floor that he had inhibited for himself,and well,his personal assistant.

•☁︎'𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 || ᵏⁱᵐ ᵗᵃᵉʰʸᵘⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now