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✰-- 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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✰-- 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

"This is exactly why we always create hypothesis's on men we are willing to date.
Those dangling silver chains and momma's boy type clothing definitely gave away that he'd be a shitty boyfriend.I think we both knew Fabio's boyish looks would not sustain a relationship in the long run,Nana."
Jamie sighed over the steaming latte in her hand,a somber look on her face as she watched me sniffle into my hands.

It's been two days since our argument,and Fabio and I barely shared a word other than what would be considered more fuel for a shimmering angry tension.

It made me so sad.
But I wasn't sad enough to be the one to give in first,not after all the hurtful jabs and accusations that followed me long into the night.

What was worse,other than me crying in the shower for nearly half an hour, another costly addition to my towering pay bill,was that the mother fucker wanted to make up for it by sex.

I was dousing in and out of sleep  when I felt his cold hands touch my waist, tensing before rather relaxing into the feeling,before he accused me of being disgusted by his touch this time.

But what came next was what brought bile up my throat.
His kisses up my neck had me cringing into myself,and with shocking realization it dawned on me that I didn't want him to touch me anymore.

His kisses felt like a slug crawling up my nape and it had me shuddering in disgust,which presumably Fabio took as a sign of pleasure,the opposite of my actual reality.

I stopped him with my hand on his chest when he went for splaying my legs open,and when I gazed upon his frown,his pretty green eyes,which now seemed to have darkened,be it with lust or hatred,I just didn't want it directed at me.

"I- not tonight."
I shrugged him off of me, gently,as I curled to my side of the bed.

"Oh,so now my touch disgust's you?
What's next,going to search for something else's dick to keep you satisfied!"
His voice bellowed in our four walled bedroom,small in space and tacky in air.

I ignored him,and for a moment I was afraid he'd force himself on me,but instead I found myself later wishing for it rather than the onslaught of insults that he hurled at me.

Sick to my stomach,I curled more into myself and heard as his voice grew harsher the more I ignored him,until all of a sudden it stopped.

A chuckle left him at last,and presumably with one last glance in my direction,he made an exit for it at three am in the morning.

"Fucking stupid black bitch."

Nana,nana look at me."
The flashback faded away as Jamie's emerald gaze came into focus,looking far lighter than the dark forest green of Fabio's and it has me relaxing into her touch.

"I'm fine."
I sighed as I pulled away,until I realized why she was beneath me with her palms cupping my face,my wet cheeks tingling under the tint of  air,fresh tears having stained the dark skin.

"Oh God.
Now I'm even crying."
I groaned.

"I'm going to kill him."
I suddenly hear from next to me,Jamie have snuck her body next to mine into the tiny booth,but I relent and snuggle into her more.

I should've just given him what he wanted any-

"Or maybe I should just kill you then.
Because there is no in the fucking way that you just said that."
She hissed.

"I can handle sex with him,his four inch dick is satisfactory if I rub my clit the right way.
Being called a stupid black bitch,not so much."
I chuckled to myself,and even to me it sounded empty.

"He did what ?"

"Uhh,forget I said tha-"

"Is this his first time calling you that?"
The tone of Jamie's voice sent shivers down my spine,and my lack of answer serves in an answer itself.

"That fucking nigga- "

"Don't interfere,please.
I need to do this myself,and need not my little sister meddling in my shit."
I sighed, pulling the sweetened tea,now grown cold as it sat parched on the table before me, letting the low warm liquid glide down my throat.


"I'm leaving him.
Once I'm leaving for Spring's,I'm leaving his small dick and toxicity behind."

"Fuck, that's good.
That's fucking awesome."
She swiftly turns to me,and when I meet her gaze,the hidden intent of that singular statement seems to dawn on her.

I watch as her brows rise high into her big forehead,forgive me,but there is now way my little sister doesn't have one, her blazing green eyes turning closed in a display of happiness.
Her sqeal suprises me,but I've always known my sister to be loud,not quite part of the silence is key community.

"You got in!"
She screams,and I spot a couple strangers in passing glancing directly at our table.

"Will you hush it,not the whole Seattle community has to know,you know."
I roll my eyes at her antics, putting on the facade that I don't care much,even when the excitement is reawakened inside me at my sister's bright gaze directed at me.

"I'm proud of you."
Her voice holds sincerity to it,and I sputter about as I try to take the words in,not having the last three make much of an appearance in my life.

"I'm older than you,don't tell me shit like that."
I play it off,but the glint in her eye tells me that she knows,but she doesn't bother much.

Instead she slinks back to her own booth,where her laptop is still opened and I remember she was busy with plot summarising,or whatever writers of nowadays called it.
I was incredibly proud of my lil sis,her success in the literature world and her seven figure salary that had her safely nestled from most of life's bad things.

My mom didn't believe in her,much as she didn't believe in me,but Jamie-leigh the second had never let that notion deter her.
And here she was now,making me a very much proud parent.

Seeing as I was more of a mother than our own.

"This serves for celebration.
And I bet Yeoni knows just the place."
Jamie cackles as she throws her head back at my incredulous look in her direction,and the mention of Nayeon.

Disastrous,is what my following night was probably bound to be.



(𝑛.) 𝐀 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
      𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝

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