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☁︎--𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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☁︎--𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

The bright lights flickering down at him has him subtly blinking a little harder, trying to adjust his sight to it as he gets his cock fondled with.

It never surges not to become awkward whenever his piercer lifts his cock head which way,or bends it that way.

To take his mind of off what he feels,he instead envisions the dark brown coils of hair stitched up into a bun,a little headscarf tied around from the front to the back.Down to a smooth unblemished forehead,skin that reminds him of caramel flavourings.

Oh God.

The smooth flail of arched brows that has his stomach tied in knots,down to the widespread slope of her nose,her plump dark pink lips.The small frame of her jawline,dipping to an elegant neck that has a pulse that he wants to kiss against.

For fuck sake.

"I'm seeing a little swelling,here just beneath the slit.
You have been keeping clear of any sexual activity for the past month, right?"
The man talks and snaps Taehyung out of his daze,if not uncomfortably so with which way he holds his dick.

He hums, propping him up on his elbows to glance at his piercer who is seated on the chair next to the one he lays in, watching him with a raised brow.

You,preppy playerboy Kim Taehyung,haven't even got hard at any sexually concocted thoughts either?"
He mocks,watches as Taehyung gulps, reminiscing of long legs and platformed converses.

God,Kamazia looked the epitome of delichè in her lavender patterned sundress,falling over her form so fittingly to just a couple centimetres above her knees,which led his gaze, distraughtfully so,down to her smooth legs which dipped into some cute looking converses,lilted into a thick sole.

Gulping once more,and pinching his brows together in a frown to hide his incoming embarrassment,he says in a low tone.
"Is it possible to get turned on by converses and legs?"

Because his exact thoughts of them had been those pretty caramel flavourings tossed over his shoulders,while he took a dive to a forbidden cave of treasure.

He needed to aid himself a grip on reality, maybe he's gone to long without sex,but that still would be no excuse for oggling one of his employees,an intern at fucking that.

For fuck sake,at this rate,he would be proving the rumors true.

"Try to take the fantasies down a notch,would you?
Feeling you up was one of the last things I wanted to do in my lifetime,and you frequenting my shop because of discomfort,is really not gonna let that happen."
Ethan sighs at him, letting go of his penis so that it lays to rest against his thigh.

Even soft,it's prominence is quite...big.

"I'll try,I ain't making no promises though.God,I've never met a woman so beautiful in my life."
His words ring true,and he would know,he has had a variety of acquaintances in his adolescence.

"And you said she was an employee?"
He says as he rolls his chair away, picking up a tube of anti inflammatory gel,before he rolls his chair back to face  Taehyung once more.

Taehyung rolls his eyes at his judgemental gaze,and blows a raspberry through his lips as he leans back into the clinical chair, hissing slightly when fingers slobbered in cold liquid touches his head again.

"I'm trying okay, seriously.
Who the fuck gets it right to look hot in a converse?
It's honestly something I've only discovered yesterday!"
He whines.

The amused snort directed his way is not taken to pleasantly,and if only his friend did not have him hanging by his balls,quite literally (being so close to the treasured pieces of flesh and all) he would have made a snappy remark back.

Afraid for that cold goop to accidentally fall into sensitive flesh where he didn't want it either,the burn of his cockhead that he was enduring right now, was quite enough to have him blinking back tears.

Ah,the unfair brutality of it all.

"Well...I'd suggest you get your priorities in order,or you'll have permanent scarring and not this,fanbased cock sitting currently between your legs."
He chuckles the last part out,and Taehyung narrows his gaze down at him disdainfully,regret lacing the whole of his consciousness.

"I hope you know I'm never telling you of any secret endeavours I bid my time into again."
He grunts,chest flaring when the burn reaches it's peak.

"I still don't get it though,you make so much money in one day,and yet you waste time where you could've slept,by sharing your jerk of sessions with the world?
Dumbfounded, really."
The sarcasm melts off his tongue and Taehyung rolls his eyes,hard.

Finally,they're done as Ethan frees Taehyungs dick once more, letting it go to rest against his thigh after lightly bandaging it, enough for all evidence of the slight swelling on his cock to go down by tomorrow and only to leave a slight sensitivity.

One he'll have to endure,he supposes.

"The adrenaline of it all,I don't know,it's just kind of intoxicating thinking of how many creepy people are currently salivating after my cock in their mom's basement.
There's something...enthralling about it."
He chuckles as he tucks himself back into his briefs,pulling up the zipper of his jeans and tightening his belt around his hips.

A disgusted gag sounds from somewhere in the room,and Taehyung glances up to meet Ethan's heavily judging gaze,one that he rolls his eyes at,again.

It's always a mystery,that Ethan always gets to rile him up until they get into a fist fight.

Playful though,no hard feelings after letting off some steam in a barbaric brawl with one of his closest friends.

"Hyungwoon just sent a message in the group chat to let us know he's already at the restaurant,we have about fifteen minutes to get there before he leaves again.
So...can we please stop talking about your psychotic habits,and go now?"
He says in a whining tone,and for a moment Taehyung contemplates doing just as such for the annoyance of his friend, unfortunately his own phone starts ringing and the moment of opportunity passes.

Grab my keys,I'll catch up?"
He says in a dismissing manner,one that he knows that'll just rub Ethan the wrong way as he picks up his call.

There's amusement in his tone at the rough playful shove he gets just as he speaks into his phone,and he can't wait to get back to his meet up with his friends.


Happy Sunday.💕

•☁︎'𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 || ᵏⁱᵐ ᵗᵃᵉʰʸᵘⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now