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✰-𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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✰-𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

Kamazia is clad in some loose silk shorts and a long sleeved tank top,busy folding laundry while listening to her boyfriend's voice over the speaker of her laptop.

"And this dude tells me to come back tomorrow,that they didn't have anymore interviews scheduled for the day.Asking me shit about if I was even called back for my second interview yet."
His voice is gruff,he looks weathered down with a light scruff on his face and some new pimples that joins his hairline.

Had Fabio always looked this...

Let her rather not.

"It's okay baby,I'm sure he just got his dates mixed up."
She comforts, standing on her tippy toes to reach the top of her closet, huffing when she can't reach the rest of her fucking bedding.

Curse this height.

"He sure fucking did,cause there ain't no way he wouldda looked past a CV and degree like mine.
Who the fuck doesn't want a fucking Masters Linguist in their corner?"
He snorts,tipping the beer bottle back onto his lips only to find out it's empty,an angry grunt leaving his lips.

"You aren't gonna ask about my week then?"
Kamazia prompts,glancing back at him with a side eye as she settles to climb on a stool to reach the the rest of her bedding and comforters,stored at the top cabinets of the tall ass cupboard instilled deep into her closet.

"Clearly you're doing good, fucking getting lost in that big ass closet.
Short ass."
He chuckles,leaning back to appreciate the view of her ass as she stretches.

She turns around to see his slightly tipsy gaze on her, throwing a side eye at his insult.

She ignores the hurt that lingers when he abruptly dismisses the thought of thinking she's doing anything other than good.

He doesn't even seem, interested...

"It's a sexy short ass though."
He smirks into the camera.

She's not in the mood now,and only spares him a eye roll instead.

"What the fucks your problem now?"
Fabio asks,and Kamazia hates the way she flinches slightly,even with a three hundred miles radius and screen separating them.

It's not like he has ever lifted his hand against her,no he hasn't,but the lingering unease always settles every time he raises his voice,or screams at her,that makes her feels as if he's near  a breaking point and maybe a smacking hand wouldn't seem too far behind.

She sighs.

She done with the last of her laundry now,and she finally settles in front of him again,a blanket tucked over her legs before she sits crisscrossed.

"What you hiding for?
Don't want me to see you?"

"What's with all the questions?"
She leans forward,thankful that she's fully covered because of her long sleeve,so not in the mood for phone sex.

Their last call ended horribly when she didn't want to go along with his attempts,her putting the phone down in his ear with his angered spurts of insults echoed throughout her apartment.

"Why are you bothered with them?"
His voice raises,and a small sigh escapes her before she can help it.

"Are we ending this call in another argument,too?"

"Well since you want to be such a bitch,it seems like it."
He rasps.

They both quiet down when there's a knocking to the door,his side of the connection it seems, snapping out of his angered daze.

"Babe,can you send me another five hundred before the end of the week?
Money strung tight."
He says,moving around hastily with his phone in his hand, seeming to tidy up where he had been drinking beer cans like a maniac.

Something icy cold goes down her spine,because it wasn't even Wednesday yet and she had just sent him more or less eight hundred On Saturday.

On who and what,was he spending this much money one?

Did he even bother paying the carnage's of their apartment likes she said he needed to do with the extra four hundred she sent?

"What happened with all that money I sent you already?"
She questiones,because of course she wasn't dumb,no matter how less Fabio seemed to think of her, she definitely knew she wasn't.

And she was definitely smelling something fishy going on.

"Don't worry about it,I just need a little bit more to get to the end of the month,okay?

She did send him all that on the first of the month,and all the errands he must've ran could've costed him yes,but still...

How could he already need so much already?

"I'll see what I can-"

He says in a whisper of a voice,and his usual I love you goes missing.

What does not go missing,is the feminine voice that calls his name.

And,what the fuck?


Maybe she was tripping.

Rolling onto her back for the nth time in the short while she's been trying to fall asleep,she sighs out a miserable breath.

Could she trust Fabio?

She's been with him for more than two years,and they had a steady relationship going on,no matter that most of the time they argued.After all,it only got this bad after Fabio couldn't get a stable job that wasn't freelancing.

And for some apparent reason,he hated freelancing.

She doesn't want to think back to when things first started growing rocky in their relationship,but she can't help but to ponder over the possibilities of Fabio being driven to cheat on her.

After all,she hadn't given him anything for the past few months,as well...

If she wasn't tired because of a double shift at work to earn the extra money, she'd be emotionally exhausted because Fabio brought over his friends for a beer and it escalated into a fight that she would need to break up.

It was typically also then,when he wanted sex the most, wanting to blow of steam.Unfortanetly she knew how rough he could get when agitated,and yes,it was hot rough sex,but the emotional drainage and exhaustion was taking a toll on her and she just...


It took part to more arguments,fights over money and her not caring for him anymore.

She'd just grown, seamlessly tired in her relationship with him.

Still,she hadn't once thought of chested.

Are you forgetting that night in the club?


If she'd thought about it,even once,just how many times may it have appeared in his own train of thought?

A sinking feeling of dread settles in the pit of stomach.


Finally felt like editing this.

Much love,always,ConverseHigh<💕

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