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✰-- 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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✰-- 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

Strange it was.

Strange it really was.

Akin to what one would call the continuation of unfortunate events.

First,her supposedly getting lost from going to the woman's quarters,and then just so coincidentally finding herself three floors down from where she was supposed to be,to finding herself on her very knees,making eye contact with her bosses seemingly big dick.

The print made it blaringly obvious of just how much he has going on down there,and it was just as she was on her knees,sitting her plump ass on the back of her calves that he came to stop in front of her.

Was it her fault she just had to zoom in on the button sitting atop a seemingly prominent bulge?

Was it her fault that the upward angle of his jawline seemed so awfully familiar that she had to take a moment to herself to snap out of her trance?

Was it her fault that she could only swallow thickly when his honey orbs glanced down at her so intensely,and the familiar feeling of want enveloped her?

She expects the majority of the rethorical questions to be answered with a no,but it may seem it to be quite the opposite.

Especially when finding herself in the same flustered headspace when following closely by him when bidded to his office, having to clench her jaws and lock her kneecaps to keep the strength in her shapely legs.

The nerves that scattered everywhere but to where they belonged when he took a seat in front of her,so remorsefully she had to endure the fact that she was about to be fired.

Until she was...

Seemingly not?

It had to be the only good thing to happen to her today, excluding the fact that she made a new friend-nervous little old Vernon from the accountancy floor-before the following of escalating misfortunes continued.

Like now,to be precise.

When she'd woken up to the warm rays of the sun heating her skin through her closed balcony windows that she had yet to accustom with curtains,she'd woken to be excited and happy.

It was going to be the first day of a new chapter in her life,fucks sake.

Only for the first bad thing to happen to her,and the continuation of escalating bad fortunates,to now standing in the lobby of her work building, watching as the rain drops pitter pattered against the glass that stretched all around the entrance.

What did she do?
Why did this need to happen?

Does God hate her?

All rethorical questions left unanswered.

Her mood goes from a deflated balloon to burning rubber when she goes to look for her phone in her hand bag,just to discover it in the state her mental health had been in before all of this had happened.

Unsteady and unhealthy and near dead.

What the fuck would she be able to do with 1%?

Definitely not call an Uber.
Her purse, as flat as an malnourished piece of bread left unattended.

It seemed....

She'd have to walk.

Kamazia Trustiath,in her fitted pencil skirt and white blouse,and only the slight covering of a beige pollen crocheted cardigan,would have to make a walk for it to the nearest bus stop.

The only free transport in this city.

Blessed be thy Lord.

"It's a nice view,isn't it?"
She hears the familiar voice next to her,and a subtle shock goes through her when she spots the man that damn near fired her today,right next to her.

Like damn,how much more of these back blows can she take in one day?

She cries mentally,but turns to him with a small polite smile,quite eager to please after how near she'd been to losing her job just earlier,and it's with a little lilt in her voice that she answers his question.

"Of course,sir."
She thinks she sounds abit too formal when answering,for it sounds more like a soldier's greeting than the polite agreement between employer and employee.

There's a quiet pause as they observe the scenery of the rain together,well until Taehyung straightens once more,turning to Zia as he starts on knowing of absolutely nothing to say.

Internally,Kamazia is still panicking as to where and how she's going to make it through the rain,to what nearest bus stop,with what phone to guide her with directions in a city unknown to her,woman alone clad in work clothes that'll probably be soaked through before she turns the corner of this street.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow then,Miss Trustiath."

It takes her a while to register his words,and when she does she blinks up at him,albeit briefly,before plastering the best grimace she can, because she doubts she'll be able to make it through walking through the rain in endless circles.

She watches his retreating back exit the lobby,watches as the light bounces off of his smooth locks when he nods his head toward the security staff,watches begrudgingly how broad his back is until he disappeares.

Damn,what she would've done for a broad muscled back like that to be her shelter in the rain.

Snap out of it,damnit.

She sighs after a few seconds,pulling her cardigan closer around her when following the steps of her boss,and turning in the exact opposite direction he did.

She gathers that's where she's supposed to go,seeing as that's the way the Uber of this morning came when he'd driven her from her apartment complex,and she saw a small litter of people standing or sitting beneath a bus stop.

It's in that direction that she heads,or so it seems to her?

For her hair,now soaked and loosened out of the high bun she'd positioned it in, curling down her back, shrinkage growing the more there is water poured on it.

Her clothes are cold and sticking to her skin,she's uncomfortable,the rain seems to be growing harder and-was that flash of lightning she just saw?!


Luck seems to still be on her side it seems,even if it left her deserted for the most of her work day,but it seemed to appear right now in the form a black mercedes,coming to stop next to her with an window being lowered so that she is face to face with her boss.

Mr.Kim,with his broad back and soft looking lips and his head full of good thick hair and and and...

"Miss Trustiath,were you planning on walking home in this rain?"

Corrupt,in this life of hell.


Miss girl is me on a daily basis.

•☁︎'𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 || ᵏⁱᵐ ᵗᵃᵉʰʸᵘⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now