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✰-𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

Kim Taehyung

My jaw tenses as I scrutinize my father's slow movements.
The brush of his hand against his slicked back hair,the pursuit to right a couple of documents on his desk, the adjustment of his tie.

He was trying to create an atmosphere of suspense,but I think it was just serving its heartily amount of pissing me the fuck off.

"As all three of you know,I am planning on retiring at six months from now."
My father's deep gravel voice booms across the close quarters of his office.

The pause has my eye twitching,and the snicker of my eldest brother from next me,tempts me to let him have a taste of my fist.

Typical Seokjin to find humour in the most serious of situations,just wasn't it?

"And you're telling us this information that we've already inaugurated on subjecting,why?"
Namjoon asks, serving as the barrier between another fight breaking out between me and Seokjin.

"I think you all knew this was heady on your way,as it is a given that each of you has to receive your primary percentage of shares,amounted to that you have already of course."

I think we all sensed a but in his question,but we left it up to our dramatic father to further the suspense by looking each of us in the eye.

"But, there's a catch."

Ahh,now isn't that just the charismatic suprise?
Please do sense my sarcasm.

"When ever is there not,dear father."
I sigh, settling back into the leather seat,sensing to be shocked to my core to what my father would reveal to us next.

Again,please do,sense that I am not serious,at all.

"The youngest gets it!
Arno,please gather the documents and hand them each one."
My eyes narrow at his proclamation of me being the youngest,even though I am,instead I focus on what his trusted personal lawyer and friend of years was placing in my hand.

Each document was a different colour,at my glance across to the greenery of Jin's currently being crusted into his hand,and the bubble gum baby pink that lays in front of Namjoon on the coffee table.

Trying quite hard not to show any afflicted emotions on his face,but the twitch in his sharp jaw and the poke of his tongue gives away just how annoyed he is.

Feeling's mutual, brother of mine.

I stare down at mine,a deep tint of velvety red staring back at me,my lips twitching in abit of amusement,it was just like my father to be so extravagant with the announcement of just how we would be getting our shares.

"As all of you've known since you could coherently hear and talk,our company exists out of three main categories.
Chocolate beverages,
Immaculate dishing of different food, and of course
our world renounced famous coffee cafe's and the beverages served."

Now shit seemed to have begun getting interesting rather than just plainly dramatic and annoying,and I was definitely here for it.

We keep silent,an urge to our father that he should keep going,but of course.

The suspended pause shall never be forgotten.

"Each or these categories have I symbolised as a colour.
The deep velvety red for our beloved chocolate and the riches of it's romanticism.
The green for our healthy production of food beverages and the magic we use to turn them to the best dishes served in our restaurants.
The pretty pink,a gentle soothing colour that describes the feel each and every of our customers should have when they enter an Strawberryaaa Cafe."

Leave it to daddy dearest trying to be the epitome of artistical.
And succeeding so horribly not.

A suppressed snicker slips through my lips, albeit I press down on them when my father's icy gaze is suddenly directed toward me.

"Something humouring to you perhaps, Taehyung?"

My eyes flicker towards the document in my lap, bowing my head akin to that of a scorned son.

I was so over this already.

"Then,if nothing else is funny about this quite serious situation."
At that he pointedly looks at the eldest and the youngest of our trio,

pointedly me and Seokjin.

"I'll leave it to each of you all of to complete at excellency at what I have listed and punctuated in each and every of you're documents.
Each the different categories of Kim Delicacies.
See yourself out."

That's it?
We just receive reprimanding orders without the precautionary warnings of what happens if we do not succeed to complete these said tasks at absolute excellency?

I turn to look at my brother's seated all next to me,and I'm sure our expressions would be a drop of water in retaliation of just how fucking confusing this is.

"Ahh,before I forget.
You're all entrusted to oversee that each of these categories flow smoothly on stocks and make it even more producent for the next six months,as I will be taking an early leave.

You'll be leaving to the headquarters of where each of them are located,and if the percentage of our stocks aren't raised by another five percent within each of these subjects when I return to my final board meeting,the shares of the company threshold you were to receive will be permitted to a trust fund,set up for your future heirs and your dear cousins will be taking control of what you were not done to actuate.

Now,you may see yourself out.
I'd like to tend myself to a mimosa if you wouldn't mind."

My mouth falls slack, watching as he dismisses each of us with an wave of his hand,which admittedly is just another punch to the gut along with the sudden pressure I feel resting on my shoulders.

Fucking old man had never ceased to have a bunch of tricks up his sleeve,and the slap to my mentality is staring me bright red in the face.

That I thought I would come of this meeting unscratched was utterly, pure stupidity.

And the weight now comfortably adjusting it self over my head like and axe waiting to mysteriously drop like in dozens of horror movies I've watched,as a belated sigh escapes me.

My hours in the office was going to progressively turn far more than the skimpy visits I barely made to attend board meetings.

I could already envision it myself,grey peppering my hair not even three months from now,and a sudden addiction to mimosa's like father thyself.

It's quite disturbingly funny.
Just how fucked I actually am.



(𝑛.) 𝐀 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭
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