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✰-- 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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✰-- 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

"Miss Trustiath,please get into the car."
Taehyung requests, growing quite tiresome when she only continues to gaze down at him with wide eyes, soaking even more minute by the minute.

If he had the malice in him,he'd climb out of his car and scoop her into his leathered back seat himself,but unfortunately he'd been brought up good by his late mother,and he'd rather his female employee climb  into his car willingly and avoid an unintended scandal.

"I'm sure there's a bus stop just near by—."

"Kamazia,can I call you that?"
He interrupts her,grip tightening around the wheel as he struggles to let his intrusive thoughts win.


"Okay,so unless you'd like to be targeted by abducters or burglars or the sickness that looms in weather like this,I'd suggest you get into my vehicle and let me drive you home."

Taehyung knows his argument exists only of logic,and she seems to realise that,thank God,so much that she finally seems to relent, tightening her soaked cardigan around her before pushing against the handle of his door, watching as it slides open and she slowly but surely seats her ass in the heated car.

Once the door closes again,she glances at the man next to her,the one that is gazing at her quite concerningly,before he tutts instead and turns the a/c to a higher setting so that she could heat up quicker.

Damn,what a sass.

"Thank you,Sir."
She whispers, folding her trembling hands into her lap.

"Of course,now just sit tight for a moment,and I'll have you home in a bit."

Getting back to driving would be quite easy,was it not for the fact that her strawberry scent grew even more intense now that she's was soaken by rain droplets,the long bushy tendrils of her hair having Taehyung glance back and forth between her and the road intensely.

Like a game of PAC MAN he keeps losing control over moving his controls left or right and invests most of his eyesight on her, instead.

God,she was beautiful.

And definitely,prickled into a string of predicaments,it seems.

Taehyung worries his lower lip when hearing the chatter of her teeth,afraid of turning the temperature up a notch higher for in case she may be too overheated when going out in the low temperature outside again.

"You-,do you know where I live,do you Sir?"
She questions, glancing at him curiously,well until he meets her gaze and she lowers her own back towards the road in front of them.

"Well yes,the building you and the other tenants live in is owned by Kim and employs Cooperations ,so one would gather that I know of where your place of stay might be?"
He asks,fingers moving smoothly over the gear when they arrive at a red light.

She agrees,before falling silent again and sagging her shoulders against the cold of the leather seat.

At least she'd gotten a ride home out of all of this.

And now she's imagining riding him,in this weather,in this car with its interior that screams of luxury.

Would he dimple her skin with his grasp?
Would he bounce her on his lap like a raggedy doll?
It sure seems like that type of strength could lie in his arms.

Also,what the fuck?

She needed to pray for God to have mercy on her soul,Christ.

They're quiet for the rest of the way,and Kamazia grows more relaxed the longer her bosses soft music fills the confines of his car,the more heated her cold skin grows,the lighter her clothes feel with the accustomed heat.

Maybe Mr.Kim wasn't as bad as his employees made him out to be?

Taehyung,on the other side of the vehicle, undergoes quite the struggle with Kamazia Trustiath sharing the enclosed space of his vechile,her scent was starting to take up every particle of air until all of what he could mostly smell was the intricated scent of vanilla and strawberries.

It smelt of heaven,and it was starting to worry him of how quiet his employee had become.

He glances at her through his peripheral vision,and sees her slumped back against her seat,the steady rise and fall of her chest nearly fooling him that she had fallen asleep,well,until he spots the reflection of her low lidded eyes in the reflection of his car window,the flickering of the lamps that accompany the side of the road they're driving in casting a glow across her dark caramelized skin.

This was so wrong,how pervertedly he was watching her.
His eyes split between being on the road and resting on the quiet woman that sat in his passenger seat.

Maybe it would help if he only kept his gaze on the road,and thought of the list of thing he has to do in the next few days.

There was his piercing that he needed to have checked, having his prince Albert piercing shot in, quite vulnerably affected him,and he needed take great care of it if he didn't want his cock falling off.

It wouldn't happen,but he also didn't want his handy adventures scarring one of his most golden assets.

Which was why he was going for his last check up with his personal doctor, waiting for the clear of him before he could go live again after about six weeks.

From the daily inbox notifications of his account on the ... streaming website,it seemed to be settled that his fans has missed him just as much as he has missed the thrill of adrenaline that went through him of having so many people want the littlest of his attention.

Maybe that could account to being a narcissist,but oh well.
It was to his satisfactory anyway.

By the time he comes to a halt in front of her apartment complex,Kamazia is already up and ready to go,the gratitude of her thanks on the tip of her tongue,her trembling hands tucked into the pockets of her cardigan,wet curls pushed back and away from her neck.

"Thank you again,Mr.Kim.
You were a God sent, really."
She says, quite eager to settle this and get into her warm and cozy apartment.

"Of course,now please,warm up and get yourself into bed Miss Trustiath."
He says,his tone of voice growing softer with a lilt of command in it.

When Kamazia brings her startled gaze back up to his, he's watching her intently,and the far fetched familiarity settles amongst her again.

It would be impossible,no,it was impossible, wasn't it?

That's the thought that she ponders over when walking into her apartment, kicking of her heels while simultaneously shrugging of the wet cardigan that has been nothing of a shelter since she'd stepped outside of work.

And Taehyung?
Let's just say he didn't quite miss the way her eyes stretched in slight familiarity when he lowered his voice to the tone known to so many of his viewers,one that he rarely used when conversing with anyone of his reality.

Was Miss Kamazia Trustiath,maybe a fan?

He ignores the thrill that goes through him at the thought of it.


Jeez Louise,I needda get his camboy persona going alreadyyyyy.

•☁︎'𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 || ᵏⁱᵐ ᵗᵃᵉʰʸᵘⁿᵍWhere stories live. Discover now