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✰-𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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✰-𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬.

Those long shapely legs.

It's the only thing he can focus on,or well, mostly.

This was so not going to be counting in his favour further along the presentation,when he would actually need to be able to provide compelling questions regarding the information she was relaying to him now.

But the way she stood,so tall and composed,matched with the enthralling way her body moved,to the way she cutely moved her hands accessively while explaining,the focus that lying in her expression,the dark red stain that of her lips.

It all fell to him so distractedly,so much that he needed to compel himself to listen to what she was saying every few seconds.

Not that it mattered much.

Not that it mattered at all.

He could definitely see her form growing closer,could see the way her hips moved to accentuate to her walking limbs,so slow,so fluidlly,the loud pause as she  slows her movements while placing her hands to her hips, leaning toward him and bringing her inexplicably beautiful features closer for microscopical viewing.

Her expression is a mix of concern and bemusement,as she garners his attention by coming to pause directly in front of him,where he now lays back in the chair at the far end,closest to her, her leaning down so that her perfume lingeres just beneath his nose.

He clears his throat as he sits a bit straight, bringing him that much closer to her until they're seperated by mere inches,her breath warm on the skin of his nose, smelling of something berry bubblegum.

As his eyes follows the pathway up her broad nose, to her hazel orbs, his is consumed by what lies in the depths of them.

Barely contained, just that much restrained, a wild bustle of piqued interest.The widening of her eyes as he sees shock and recognition settle in them, and lastly, the tingement of lust that follows closely behind.

Taehyung thinks he has a hint of what she just discovered.

He counters it in the way her eyes droops in slight arousal,the twitch of her nose as she struggles to say something,the lust that burns brighter by each passing second,and the fact that she has barely moved an inch despite discovering how close they were.

"Miss trustiath?"
He whispers, sensitive to scaring her out of the trance she seems be in, their roles of delusion seeming to have reversed, and that she was the one entranced rather, now.

With a little gasp she stumbles out of her reverie,and as if to grasp onto the last bit of dignity she has, stumbles back to put a merth of space between them.

Except,in the course of events of then just staring at each other, she had somehow turned her back to the conference table behind her,and now was trapped between Taehyung's towering body,and the sleek surface of glinting wood.

Polished to immaculacy, probably a cold enough temperature,and just the right angle to have her stretched atop it with her legs slung over his shoulders,which would drop the opportunity for him to dive in the pools of what had to be heaven.

At the sight of bewilderment and slowly creeping nervousness though, Taehyung immediately backs off and steps back, slightly disappointed to she how irraculately her chest rises and falls,as if,she had been afraid-

He doesn't garner the chance to get far though, for she pulls him in at the tie, towards her, until they're flush to each other and he is fortunate to feel every soft molding of her body,every warm counterpart constructed to create her being,every push of breath that leaves and enters.

His forced to brace himself with his hands just beside her if not wanting to topple over with the sudden intensity that he is pulled forward with, now inches once again from each other, her heavy breathing intermingling with his.

"You do not-not get to just walk away like that!Do you have any idea how nerve wracking it has been standing there while ovulating and having to physically feel you watch and assert every one of my assets,to not even listen to the fucking presentation that I've put my heart and soul in, daydreaming about God knows what?

Or the devil,maybe?
I am not going to be one of your company interests,in fact,I will be compelled to report this to the HR department if you don't stop looking at me like that,as if you want me-"
She's cut off by a kiss, one that effectively shuts her up.

Taehyung immediately regrets giving into temptation,and certainly justifies what ever the consequences of what would come after harrassing his staff,one of the opposite gender at that,if it isn't for the fact that pulls him closer just then.

Her arms that go around his neck,nails curling into his locks and pulling, one that has a grunt out of his throat at the same times she gasps into his mouth, arms tightening around his neck until he has to lean down lower, surging deeper into the kiss when she opens her mouth to let him in.

The kiss is heat driven,wild and so fucking good,feeling her tongue twirling around his,her hot breath on his,soft plump lips funnelled into his mouth with so much filth in mind.

Eventually, Taehyung slows the initial of his kiss to something slower, something softer,until they seperate slightly,her eyes slightly blurry through his dazed gaze,the touch of her soft lips still lingering on his very own, while he comes to the belated realisation of what he's done.

Realises the humongous mistake that laid in what his previous course of action just had been.

But one that he definitely couldn't seem to regret.


Why couldn't he just leave his fucking delusions in his head?

And yet no regret lingers...

Especially not when he sees the slight flush staining her dark skin, only because he was so close to her in optical view,every muscle in his body tensing as she watches him silently with each passing second, mouth a swollen pink,lashes blinking rapidly as if trying to assess what the fuck just happened.

"What,the fuck just happened?"

And there,it's as if she speaks my thoughts.

Well technically she did -

And this close to her,it was impossible to miss the way the lust that lingered in her eyes but a few seconds ago, diminish to nothing second by second as reality sinks in.

Still,psychotically so,he still couldn't form any regrets over the traversing of events that had just happened.



A kiss?




Is this book still a pass for slowburn?😭

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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