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✰-𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬

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✰-𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐬


The atmosphere between them couldn't be described as anything other then,timid.

My toes rub against each other while I glance at the scenery that by passes us,the cart moving at an ordinary enough pace as Mr.Kim drives me,along with Martha and Leanardo,back to the receptionist area,our day out coming to an end sooner than...expected.


I think the atmosphere could be described as something akin to that as well.

While my toes rub heat into each other,I can't help but reminisce of the heat I felt when Mr.Kim guided me out of the dining area,his hand nearly grazing my back but just not...and yet, so fucking close.

Maybe it had been for appearances,it probably could've been as well,but my delusional ass wouldn't stop thinking of how close he'd been to touching the arch in my back.For the first time today,I'm a little happy at my choice of clothes.

The preppy cropped vest that allowed a silver of skin to peak through before the rest had been covered up by the high waisted mini skirt.

A maybe not a so subtle breath leaves me when the front of the estate finally comes into my perimeter of sight,and the reception area nearer.Tuning into reality once more after logging out for the entirety of the ride from the dining area to here,while leaving both my friend aka colleagues to lap at Mr.Kim,I realise that the both of them couldn't wait to leave either,and that I was now left alone with my bosses bosses boss.

Fuck me.

Now wouldn't I just enjoy it if he did?

Now was so not the time.

It has been a eventful day hasn't it?"
Mr.Kim says as he pulls up the lever of the sizable golf cart.

When I finally garner the courage to look directly at him,I'm met with the sight of him pushing back the majority of his sweaty fringe,the slightest of waves wrinkling his normally straight silky hair,which now forms a fluffy halo that flops in the wind.


Also,my boss was still staring at me,and if I remember correctly,I think he fucking asked a question too!

But still,I couldn't help but...

Kamazia,can you hear me?"
He coughs,and I log back into reality, observing my surroundings,or rather,the sexy specimen that still sits in front of me.

"Yes sorry,was a bit lost in thought.
My bad."
In something of a nervous habit,I push a lost coil behind my ear,my cheeks undoubtedly flushing beneath my dark skin.

"I asked,how you feel after your punishment?
If one could still call it that...after your eventful day."
He repeats,and I'm still flabbergasted at how I'm not fired, because it could've been his fifth time repeating that,and I would only be clueless,the permanent state of delusional starting to make a noticeable impact.

"I suppose...that I learnt a lot.
Much of our clients different tastes, stretching from the variety of dishes they most like,to the ones they most dislike.Or our way of wrapping our products,the dietary of the diary supplements we use,or randomly,just why some chocolate have more whole nuts then others."
After my little rant,I look up and into his light gaze,one that feels a bit too intense to hold.

"Uhm,I summarised most of the information I gathered on my notes.
If you'd like,I could have them charted and pressed for a presentation as well."

There follows a brief silence,at least until I shuffle in my seat before glancing back up at him, catching his gaze already on me.

Fucking awkward.
Fucking timid.
Fucking fuck.

I need to stop swearing so much.

I'll be waiting then.
First thing Monday."
Mr.Kim answers, turning in his seat to climb out of the cart and therefore dismissing me as well.

I watch his retreating back, moving over the green green lawn,and through the gates that lead to the receptionist area.

A little sigh leaves me when the white of his polo shirt is no longer in sight,and I can finally rid myself of these grounds.

Maybe another day, golfing and it's tight fitting clothes along with the hot sun,would be my cup of tea.


Drained,hot,tired and thirsty.

Strawberryaaa Cafeé it is.

I've become a frequenting customer since the first time I've stepped foot inside the warm little cafe,and I've since found out that it is actually hooked to a chain of more cafes that run across the country.

Also, I've also since found out the name of the cute barista,who I could now call a friend,a friend that was glaring at my choice of food today.

"What shall Strawberryaaa Cafeé prepare for you today,cupcake?"

Amorey Snirchen.

A women with a dark dark complexion,skin akin to that of the most expensive dark chocolate,eyes almost shaped to math her thin slitted brows.They lead down to a narrow line down to her button nose,and a full voluptuous mouth awaits down below.

Today,my dear curvy friend decides to join me for lunch.

Or dinner.

Maybe an appetizer before dinner,yes.

So not dinner then.

Hot chocolate in this hot weather?"
She questions,her chubby cheeks pulled taut in disgust,while she fans herself even harder with the piece of cloth that she brought along with from where she had previously been working in the kitchen before her break.

"I had a craving,and by the way,back home it's probably still snowing,so call it a home craving."
I grunt, stirring the thick of the melting marshmallows deeper into my tall drink.

Yes,I ordered it in a milkshake glass,perks of being friends of one of the cafes barista's.

Although,I think her colleagues were staring to grow a dislike for my unique tastes in weather such as these.

It causes them more work and effort,I've been told, personally,by Amorey herself.

I've learnt to not give much of a fuck,after all,I knew her commission was hefty after all my personalised stops throughout a week.

24 time in 7 days seemed quite extravagant,but what paid the bills,and what my money bills,could pay.

In a heated ongoing conversation, I'm occured in when my phone chimes.

It's the personalised ringtone I use for Fabio alone,and a sullen feeling comes to settle in my chest.

Amorey doesn't know of him yet,but she seems to be able to pick up the cha he in my mood,if for the way her perfected brow arches higher into her forehead.

"Something wrong,cupcake?"
She asks, holding a hand in front of her chewing mouth, having pleasured herself with a small bite of her packed lunch.

We need to talk.
When is youss available to talk,Zia?

"Everything is just peachy.
Peachy indeed."
The sigh is more than the actual pronunciation of words.

And clearly,it convinces Amorey of her own theories,the arch of her thin slitted brow telling a tale of its own.

Right now,the sullen feeling that has settled in my abdomen though, couldn't have me caring any less.


mwah ! 💋

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