Chapter:20-Connecting Dots

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Kim's POV:

Why would these fucking idiots force me to stay in this mansion if none of them are gonna be here? I can't even beleive all these shit..Fuck..fuck..fuck..How did I even forget my six years worth life? And how the hell did I even get shot?

It's been 7 days since I woke up and returned home. And this freaking idiots caged me in this mansion. Everything is already stressing me out and now this mansion is being a torture zone for me. I have been locked in this room and all I can do is stress myself out and try connecting the dots. But no matter what, I just can't seem to do it.

Let me get this straight. So according to Kin and father died of an heart attack last year, the major and minor family is on good terms, Kin is married to this guy called Porchay, Thankun was still the old Thankun, Vegas is also married to our once head bodyguard and also has chidren with him. Macau has shifted to Italy and doing business with his partner. Our business was also doing well and all other things seems to be fine.

What the hell??Then why the hell was I shot? If we don't have any enemies, who could have hurt me? Besides after waking up, I can't even feel anyone's pheromones...well..almost everyones, except that one guy. That is also a mystery I need to unfold.

All these questions were running inside my brain creating a turbulence until someone broke it. There was a sudden knock on my door. Weird..I didn't call or ask anyone nor do I have business now..So who could have decided to pay me a visit?! Then again it could be him. It's always him. So I looked at the clock and yes...I was right..It's already morning and he's here for my breakfast and medicine.

I sat up straight, composing my disrupted face and answered in a stern voice.

"Come in."

The door slowly opened and in came the guy who was the center of my attention, despite so many subjects in my mind..Porchay Kittisawat...The younger brother of my brother-in-law.

"Hello Kim."

He greeted me with his usual smile. I hated people who smiled so brightly because those smiles are nothing but fake. But every time I look at this young guy's eyes, there's no facade or fakeness in them. He looked so pure.

"Yes? What do you want?"

I asked in a low voice completely avoiding him..Honestly I'm so confused about him...This weird feeling in my heart everytime I see this little boy..There's this unique bond I felt towards him...Why does it feel like I have something special towards him?

I mean that's the only logical explanation I could find..Otherwise why would he come and check on me almost three times a day..Plus he's the one helping with most of my works..This guy even feeds me..I mean he basically is my nanny..But I can't seem to stop him..His eyes..they look so much in pain..I fear that if I stopped him or scolded him...he will be more sad or even worse, broken. I have always been a play boy and people don't matter to me. So why? Why the fuck am I so scared to hurt this guy or bring him pain? It almost feels like a sin. 

Fuck Kim..Why the hell are you being considerate to this guy..Emotions only bring pain..Did you forget these also along with your memories?!!...

"I am just checking on you. You didn't come out of your room the last two days at all."

Porchay kept the plate and medicines on the table and went and opened the curtains..Fuck...I hate so much light in my room..My life itself is dark..So why would a dark room bother me?!!

"Besides why is you room so dark? You should open up your windows. Did I not tell you yesterday?"

I didn't reply to him. Instead I went to freshen up and ate my breakfast on the sofa. I hate eating on my bed...Besides it leaves a funky after smell..

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