Chapter:22- Missing Pieces

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Author's PoV:

After that night, as Porchay returned to his room, the boy was completely shattered...He knew that the mark was erased and the bond that he used to bind Kim for so long was gone...And the words from the older had broken him and made him more nervous...The entire night Chay kept on crying and pouring all the pain out...He was suffering silently and alas no one was there for him now...not even his daughter..

But as morning came, Chay had finally composed himself and somehow made his heart and mind understand that his partner had lost all his memories and which is why Kim had spoken those harsh words to him...So finally, Chay got freshened up and yet ahead to check on Kim and give him his medicines...But there was no sign of Kim anywhere...Chay looked for Kim everywhere...all over the mansion, but no one had seen Kim anywhere...Chay ran up to check on the CCTV and saw that Kim had packed his bags and left the house very early in the morning...Almost at 6:30 a.m.

Porchay started panicking as all the bad things started coming to his mind...He was trembling and somewhat managed to take his phone out to call his brother...But at that very moment, there was a text from Kim's number.

"Don't worry about me...I'll be back...So don't try finding me or tell anyone about this...I'll be safe and take my medicines...And I'm sorry for hurting you last night...Take care butterfly."

A week had passed since Kim last texted Chay...Although Chay didn’t inform his brothers about the stunt Kim had pulled, he did try finding him through his own...But there was no footprints of Kim anywhere...It was as if he had vanished into thin air...

As much as time started passing, Chay was becoming more and more anxious that he started loosing his sanity...He started behaving rudely with almost everyone and his phermones were also getting unstable...He was dying for Kim's presence, his alpha's touch or even just his phermones...Being away from Kim had costed Chay his sanity...Which is why he gave everyone, even the cooks a leave...He was alone in his entire wing.

After locking himself and drowning in frustration and desire for an entire day, Chay finally cooled himself down and headed downstairs to grab something to eat...But in the corridors, he saw the person he anticipated to see all these time...The older alpha was standing near the pillar of the corridor and was looking at the younger omega with so much loving and care...But Chay started boiling with anger and walked passed Kim, completely ignoring him.


Kim called out Chay in a low voice...But his voice had echoed throughout the empty hallways..Chay did halt upon hearing this call, yet didn’t turn around...His back was still facing Kim..

"My kitten."

Kim called again, but this time a little louder. Chay sprung around within an instance...shocked of the nickname his lover had called him...Kim was smiling so lovingly at Chay and the younger couldn’t hold back his tears..This was the same nickname his alpha would used to call and tease him with..It was their call of love...

Chay ran a little to close their gap and held Kim in his arms, digging his face into his lover's warm, broad chest..

"Do you remember Kim? Did you get your memories back?"

Chay spoke in his shaky hopeful voice, holding Kim as his life really depended on it...The poor guy was on the verge of breaking and only Kim, his alpha could have saved him...And fortunately he did...Kim patted his head gently and pulled a bit back, resulting in Chay looking upto him, his chin still on Kim's chest.

"Not all love..But almost the important parts."

Kim smiled and placed a small kiss on his omega's temple..

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