Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    Although math teacher Zou Yunxian is not familiar with Qi Yu, he also knows that this is a student with background who donated a building from his family.

    Due to the understanding of the family background and grades of the students in the international class, Mr. Zou's impression of Qi Yu was also limited to other students in the international class who went abroad with mixed degrees.

    He was surprised to hear that she had solved the problem.

    Seeing that Qi Yu bowed her head and said nothing, Teacher Zou tapped the rolled-up test booklet on the podium, and said in a louder voice, "Qi Yu." "Did you really     solve

    this problem?"

In a small class, she suddenly heard the teacher calling her name, so she looked up.

    A pair of peach-blossom eyes were dazed, and she subconsciously said,

    "What questions can I not solve?"

    Qi Yu expressed her shock that even she couldn't solve any unsolved math problems in the second year of high school.

    Seeing Qi Yu's expression, Teacher Zou didn't understand something, and his face sank: "Did you miss the class?"

    While speaking, he even walked down from the podium.

    The leather shoes stepped on the floor, and each step made a clear sound.

    It seems to be stepping on the tip of everyone's heart.

    The other students were all paying attention to Qi Yu, so of course they knew what her expression meant.

    It doesn't matter if you don't know the topic, but you dare to take a break in Mr. Zou's class.

    Damn, it's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

    Everyone looked at Qi Yu's eyes, from a little fairy to a little tiger girl!

    This is not what a tiger is!

    Qi Yu frowned. What joke is the teacher playing? In the second year of high school, there are still math problems that she doesn't know?

    Who do you look down on!

    The system was reliable this time: [Host, that little bitch Chu Tian hurt you, she told the teacher that you can do difficult problems that no one else can! 】

    After being reminded by the system, Qi Yu finally understood.

    No wonder everyone's eyes are so strange.

    Qi Yu looked up and glanced at the blackboard...

    After the teacher approached, Qi Yu stood up very calmly, looked at him and said, "Teacher, I can do this question."

    Zou Yunxian paused, and looked at her unexpectedly: "Really! Can you do it?"

    Qi Yu doesn't like to talk nonsense, whether it is true or false, speak with strength.

    She didn't even bring the test paper, and walked directly to the podium, picked up the stylus and wrote down numbers one by one on the smart blackboard without haste.

    Originally, everyone saw Qi Yu's determined appearance and thought that she might be the king.

    After watching Qi Yu write a row of answers, he whispered.

    "What the hell, this has nothing to do with the title, right?"

    "Is Qi Yu writing nonsense?" "

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