Chapter 91 - 100

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Chapter 91 (Future Mrs. Xie VS Hero 'Save'...)

    Xie Jing looked at them unhurriedly and responded: "Okay, I will invite you."

    Across the crowd, Xie Jing inadvertently met Lin Beicong's eyes.

    Seeing that Lin Beicong's brows are relaxed, and his thin lips are slightly curved, Lin Beicong is smart.

    Xie Jing was thoughtful, since he wisely let go of his little liar.

    Then he would not have to stay in that TV station for the rest of his life.

    Lin Beicong didn't know that he loosened Xie Jing's restrictions on him by letting go casually.

    The future is promising.

    Here, Qi Yu heard Xie Jing's tone of course, tugged at his sleeve, and whispered, "Why do you agree, the engagement is not yet in the works, why get married." Xie Jing decided: "It's almost

    time "

    Qi Yu: "..."

    God is so fast, has she, the client, agreed?

    Xie Jing said quickly.

    The efficiency is naturally high.


    A famous Chinese restaurant in Lingcheng.

    Qi Yu looked at her parents with a dazed face and had already discussed the engagement date with Mr. Xie.

    Mr. Xie looked at Qi Yu kindly: "Yuyu, is there anything else you want to say?"

    "As long as it is what you say, Xie Jing will definitely do it."

    These two children, he has seen these two children in his eyes and hoped They can get married earlier, before they close their eyes.

    It would be best for him to see the existence of his great-grandson in his lifetime.

    Qi Yu looked at the old man who had aged and haggarded a lot, and couldn't say a lot.

    Qi Yu couldn't refuse such an old man who had a heart of love for her from the beginning to the end.

    She shook her head: "I have nothing to say."

    On the contrary, Ms. Bai, holding her daughter's hand, told the old man about Qi Yu's memory loss in a low voice and said: "The two children have been on good terms since high school. Now it's a matter of course."

    "It's just that Yuyu has lost five years of memory, so we don't feel at ease." "

    Engagement is engagement first, and the time of marriage, our wife wants to wait for Yuyu to recover her memory."

    "Old man, you What do you think?"

    The old man learned from Xie Jing what Qi Yu didn't remember.

    It is also understandable to understand the thoughts of other parents.

    After all, the current Qi Yu's psychological age is eighteen years old, and she is still a little girl.

    The old man looked at Xie Jing.

    Xie Jing calmed down: "Wait until Qi Yu wants to get married, then get married." When

    Qi's father and mother looked at Xie Jing's eyes, they became more and more satisfied.

    What Xie Jing meant was to respect Qi Yu's thoughts, as long as Qi Yu was not ready for a day, he could wait.

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