Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 (Couple Dress VS Dog Man and Woman? [1 more...)

    Autumn outings are gathered at the school gate.

    Qi Yu managed to stop the second and third brothers who wanted to join her in the fun, and came to school by car alone.

    The two elder brothers accompanied her on an autumn outing, Qi Yu thought about the consequences.

    The corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably.

    Absolutely not! ! !

    She doesn't want to be on the hot search at all.

    This year's netizens are not good at aesthetics.

    When Qi Yu arrived, a lot of people had already gathered at the school gate, all of them were classmates.

    After all, during the holiday, there was basically no one else in the school except their class.

    There were about 30 students from the international class who came to participate in the autumn outing. After all, there was no teacher accompanying them, so many of them brought their families.

    Of course, the family members here mostly refer to male friends or female friends in the ambiguous period.

    Anyway, there are no teachers and no parents, so everyone let go a lot.     When Qi Yu got out of the car ,

    many students gathered around: "Qi Shen, you are here



After Cui Yize, he became famous and gained a group of little fans.

    They think Qi Yu is too A.

    It makes them feel very safe.

    Qi Yu was immediately surrounded by several girls, and Lin Beicong, Ye Luosi, and Meng Hechen were all one step behind.

    He watched helplessly as Qi Yu was surrounded by groups.

    Meng Hechen clicked his tongue: "Look at our Brother Yu's charm, even stronger than Brother Cong."

    When Qi Yu didn't come at first, these girls were courting Lin Beicong.

    It's fine now.

    Don't look at Brother Cong at all.

    Lin Beicong glanced at Meng Hechen coolly, without saying a word.

    The counselor Meng Hechen immediately stopped talking.

    He knew that Lin Beicong liked Qi Yu, so he chose the nice one and said, "Hehehe, Brother Cong and Brother Yu are equally popular, after all, we will be a family in the future." Lin Beicong's light-colored thin lips were curved to save face


    Very satisfied with Meng Hechen's words.

    He has been practicing boxing recently, and strives to not be compared with Qi Yu in terms of force value.

    As for studies...

    Lin Beicong looks up to the sky, Qi Yu's academic performance is too bad, he is very self-aware.

    "Let's go, Brother Cong, let's go." Meng Hechen quickly took the opportunity to rush to Qi Yu, "Brother Yu, you are finally here. We Brother Cong have been waiting for you for a long time." "I thought you wouldn't come."


    Yu Yu didn't notice the deep meaning in Meng Hechen's words, and only thought he meant it literally.

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