Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 (Eighteen Years Old, First Kiss, Rewards...)

    before school.

    The system as quiet as a chicken finally squeaked: [Congratulations to the host, you have completed this main task and pleased Bai Yueguang. The completion of the strategy mission is imminent. Please continue to work hard, Mr. Host. 】

    Qi Yu who was waiting for the lightning strike: "...?"

    What, it's done?

    Is it so sudden?

    Qi Yu: 【The task is not to help Xie Jing get the first grade in the mid-term exam. He is now the third. Didn't the task fail? ]

    [You're not going through the back door for me, are you? ]

    Thinking of going through the back door, Qi Yu's eyes lit up: 【Since you can go through the back door, then just turn a blind eye and close one in the future. 】

    The more the host said, the more outrageous it became.

    Xiao Liu quickly stopped: [Master Host, although Bai Yueguang did not get the first place in the exam, but in the end, he was touched by you, and his dignity did not fall to the ground, so the task is completed. 】

    Master Host, don't think about going through the back door.

    Don't even think about it.

    It cannot exist.

    After hearing this, Qi Yu still felt very sorry. However, it is a good thing that the mission did not fail.

    And...Qi Yu seems to understand the routine of this task a little bit.

    The process is not important, what is important is that the ending achieves the purpose of the task.

    Qi Yu rested her soft fingers on her small chin, thoughtful.

    Midterm exam results on Friday.

    Let everyone spend the weekend with peace of mind.

    And Qi Yu's birthday happens to be on Sunday.

    This is Qi Yu's first birthday after returning home, so the Qi family started preparing the birthday party one month in advance.

    Therefore, when Qi Yu returned home, she saw that the living room of her villa had been completely renewed. It was dressed up like a banquet hall.

    She thought she had gone to the wrong door.

    Fortunately, I saw a young man in a neatly pressed suit on the sofa.

    Qi Yu blinked: "Brother?"

    The young man with gold-rimmed eyes raised his eyes subconsciously when he heard the sound from the entrance.

    Then he met his sister's moist and clear eyes, her thin lips showed a curve, and waved to her: "Come here."

    Qi Juan's voice was deep and noble like that of a mature man.

    Watching the man raise his head, revealing that handsome and elegant face.

    When you wear gold-rimmed glasses, you feel very refined and scum.

    Qi Juan stood up to greet his younger sister. He was tall and tall, with broad shoulders and long legs, and a well-proportioned figure. He was wearing a well-tailored dark pattern suit, and his height was superior to that of a male model.

    Qi Yu probably had to raise her head vigorously to see clearly the face of her elder brother standing up.

    Because, Qi Juan is about 1.9 meters tall.

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