Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 (Beautiful boy can only watch but not use???...)

    Xu Manyu did not lose consciousness, most of the injuries were on Cui Yize.

    Hearing everyone's shock at this time, he subconsciously touched his neck.

    Starting with a piece of blood.

    Tears poured out of the moist deer eyes.

    He said to the man in the camouflage uniform next to him, "Oh, Brother Xi, I'm in so much pain."

    Xi Cheng was so distressed that he quickly hugged the sweet girl in his arms: "It doesn't hurt, don't worry, Xi Cheng Brother will not let you have any accident."

    The two hugged as if no one was around.

    Next to him lay Cui Yize whose life and death were uncertain.

    No one thought there was anything wrong.

    Next to Qi Yu, Meng Hechen and the others had squeezed to the front at some point.

    Tucao in a low voice: "Isn't the monitor's boyfriend Cui Yize?" "

    I heard that Cui Yize was bitten so badly by a wolf in order to save the monitor."

    "The monitor didn't even look at him, just hugged that strange boy, tsk tsk tsk The world is cold."

    Ye Luosi caught him by surprise: "A beautiful woman has no heart."

    Lin Beicong cast a disgusted glance at Ye Luosi: "Shut up if you can't speak."

    Ye Luosi, who just wanted to refute, was knocked by Meng Hechen For a moment: "Oh, what do you think about Qi Shen, after all, the most beautiful girl in the world is the little fairy Qi Shen."

    Qi Yu said with a blank expression, "I'm sorry, I have no heart."

    "Just say one more thing, I'll just feed you to the wolf."

    "Wow, I'm so scared." Meng Hechen shrank back, pretending to be very scared.

    Seeing Meng Hechen playing tricks, Qi Yu's mood improved a lot.

    Then he snorted softly, looked at Xie Jing who was far away from her, and wanted to hammer the bed.

    Dog man!

    His girlfriend was hurt, but he stayed far away because of his cleanliness.

    Break up, break up!

    Xiao Liu is about to upgrade, and his mentality is very stable: [Master Host, your wound, if you haven't seen a doctor for another two minutes, I guess you can heal yourself. 】


    The dog system has become more courageous, and even dared to complain about her.

    The dog man and the dog system really match well.

    Qi Yu's indifferent face: [I can upgrade this time, is it drifting? ]

    [Do you want to upgrade next time? 】

    When Xiao Liu heard this, he was immediately persuaded: 【Master Host, Xiao Liu is all sincere towards you, and after upgrading, you will also get benefits and rewards. We are a win-win situation, so we must work hard to complete the task! 】

    The efficiency of the host is too high.

    In just one month, the plot speed was accelerated by half.

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