Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 (Little Fairy's Astonishing Strength [2 more...]

    Ten p.m.

    The curtains on the second floor of the Qi's villa were wide open.

    The girl in a white nightdress with disheveled hair stood barefoot in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the pure and flawless stars dotted on the curtain of the night sky outside.

    The temperature of the crimson little face finally dropped a few minutes.

    Qi Yu let out a long sigh of relief to clear her mind.

    The stars are so pure, how can the little fairy's mind be so dirty! ! !

    Isn't it the prescription of 'reminder, love, medicine'?

    It's not like let her drug Xie Jing now.

    It's just—

    Qi Yu is very tangled.

    Is Xie Jing really cold?

    The system swears: [After the upgrade, 90% of the system will not have detection errors. According to big data statistics, Xie Jing was not affected by the heroine's Mary Su halo. The main reason comes from himself, which is frigidity. ]

    [Otherwise, why would there be such an item reward on purpose that can help the host complete the main task. 】

    Qi Yu listened to the system's explanation, and it was true.


    Compared to the system, Qi Yu is more willing to trust her own feelings.

    Xie Jing usually seems to be suffering from skin hunger and thirst. Seeing her either wanting to hug or hold hands, she looks frigid.

    System: [Master Host, even if Xie Jing is not sexually frigid, you can use these things. 】

    【It doesn't need to be used on yourself, it can also be used on others. ]

    [There is also a prescription that will make you beautiful. Girls are very demanding when it comes to beauty. ]

    Finally, the system made a final decision: [In short, the system rewards this time are very useful! The host should not be disgusted. 】

    Qi Yu chuckled lightly.

    No wonder this dog system is as excited as it is selling health medicine. It turns out that it is afraid that she will dislike it.

    to be honest.

    Qi Yu is superficially disgusted, but it's better than nothing.

    They are all installed for the dog system to see.

    Qi Yu suppressed a smile, and replied blankly: "Okay."

    "Be more normal next time."

    The system was afraid that Qi Yu would quit, after all, she had done such things before, so she immediately agreed: [Yes. yes will. ]

    It added a sentence: [Although there will be rewards for every climax of the daily mission, the best reward is for the host to complete the main task of conquering Bai Yueguang, so the host must not relax. ]

    [The strategy of Bai Yueguang is also the top priority. 】

    Daily task: Upgrade counter attack and fight monsters.

    Main task: Raid White Moonlight.

    Qi Yu summed up her mission.

    It seems that it is not difficult.

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