Chapter 63

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Chapter 63 (Vacation VS Class Visit, Which Is More Important...)

    Qi Yu looked at Xie Jing's eyes as deep as the sea, and felt his seriousness.

    This is - told her? ? ?

    Xie Jing is suing? ? ?

    Are you serious?

    Xie Jing didn't bother to take the phone, so he turned on the speakerphone and threw it on the coffee table.

    A man's serious voice came from over there: "Xie Jing, who are you talking to?"

    "I was talking to you just now, can you have a little respect for your father."

    Xie Jing said casually: "Oh, don't respect your father's I, with her misbehavior, just match very well."

    Qi Yu: "Pfft..."

    Although very touched, but——Qi Yu broke Xie Jing's face, and said silently: "My conduct is very correct, the flower of the motherland, The pillars of the country."

    Xie Jing's eyelashes trembled slightly, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

    Xie Jing's father probably didn't expect his son to say such a thing, he was stunned for a long time before he said: "What did you say?

    " Enduring the disgust to say goodbye to this nominal father.

    After all——

    hasn’t Grandpa said that, there can be no stains on him.

    Xie Jing lowered his eyelashes. For so many years, he was too lazy to talk to this father and his woman precisely because of his grandfather's teachings.

    Grandpa is right, there is no need to ruin yourself for two unimportant people.

    But, grandpa never said, what if they wanted to destroy him first.

    Xie Jing thought of the surveillance video this morning, and his cold face turned gloomy.

    Qi Yu was keenly aware of Xie Jing's emotional changes, and knew it was because of the person talking over there.

    Originally, even if she had a bad temper, she was still very polite to her elders, especially Xie Jing's biological father.

    Therefore, when he said that his character was not good, he didn't speak.

    Now, he made Xie Jing unhappy.

    Qi Yu lowered her eyes, quietly looking at the lit phone.

    There was still a man's dissatisfied voice on the phone: "Xie Jing, is this how your grandfather taught you to talk to your father?" "Do you know what

    this girl did? She was rude to your Aunt Lin." "

    The younger generation poured water on the elder, Our Xie family can't have a girl of this quality."

    At this moment—

    Qi Yu suddenly said, "Mr. Xie, hello, I'm that girl with no quality."

    The voice over there stopped abruptly.

    Qi Yu didn't care what the other party was feeling.

    She continued: "Since your Xie family doesn't want a girl like me, it just so happens that our Qi family really wants a beautiful boy like Xie Jing, do you want to give up?" "Oh, if you don't speak, then I will take it as your acquiescence

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