Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Qi Yu watched a scene of killing and loving each other, and it was time for school to be in a happy mood.

    Who knew——

    on the way out of school, Qi Yu could always feel that someone was watching her.

    "Is that her?"

    "Yes, yes, it's her!!"

    "I didn't expect her to be so good-looking, with such a temper..." "

    Do you understand that people can't be judged by their appearance?"

    "It doesn't feel so fierce...

    " What, beast?"

    "Fuck, don't you know, the posts of super fierce transfer students are all the rage!"

    "Are you sure it's super fierce and not super cute?"

    People passing by lowered their voices whenever they saw Qi Yu There was a lot of discussion.

    After being watched several times in a row, Qi Yu finally noticed something was wrong.

    Is she that famous?

    It seems like the whole school knows her now.

    Qi Yu: [Little trash, what kind of plot is this? 】

    Little waste wood system: 【You don't know what good things you have done yourself. 】


    This little scumbag still dares to scold her.

    Is it because she, Qi Yu, can't lift a knife anymore, or because the little good-for-nothing has lost his mind.

    Qi Yu sneered: [Every good thing I did was not all instigated by you, a bastard. 】

    The system saw Qi Yu rolling up his sleeves, revealing that white wrist, ready to go.

    Seconds counseled: [Master Host does all good things. ]

    Forget it, judging by the doggy appearance of the system, I must not know what happened.

    Qi Yu stopped at the same spot, picked a bully looking bully from the side of the road, and pressed her against the trunk of a sycamore tree by the side of the road.

    Ask her: "What are you talking about about me?"

    It can be seen that Qi Yu and Qi Chen are indeed brothers and sisters, and this simple and rude way of solving confusion is especially consistent.

    The system looked at the tall, burly and manly girl who was caught, and it had nothing to do with being a bully.

    The host's aesthetics is really...

    emmm, it's hard to describe.

    Lin Mohan, the girl who got caught, didn't expect that the person who posted the hot post would stop her.

    This is exactly the same feeling as meeting a celebrity on the street and being flopped.

    Covering her mouth and looking at Qi Yu in disbelief, she stuttered: "You, you, me, me, you are..."

    Qi Yu's red lips tugged, what's wrong with this classmate.

    "You don't know me? What did you point at me just now?"

    "No, no, no, I know you. You are Qi Yu, a new transfer student from the second year of high school." Lin Mohan finally calmed down, but his eyes were already fixed on Qi Yu Keep watching.

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