Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

    Looking at the back of Qi Yu leaving.

    As always, slender and graceful, it is truly beautiful.


    Lin Beicong and Ye Luosi saw the powerful soul hidden inside.

    Oh, not powerful.

    It's brutal!

    Lin Beicong gathered himself together: "I didn't dream just now, did I?"

    Ye Luosi's face was full of admiration: "No."

    "Brother Yu is so tough."

    From now on, he will be protected by Brother Yu.

    Lin Beicong was thinking about whether he should learn boxing or Sanda again, and felt that his martial strength was not worthy of Qi Yu.

    What if Qi Yu's requirement for choosing a boyfriend is that he can beat her.

    Wouldn't he be eliminated?

    Lin Beicong suddenly felt a sense of crisis.


    Qi Yu saw from a distance that her car was already waiting at the old place.

    Half an hour is just enough to solve it.

    Taking advantage of Qi Chen's duty today, otherwise Qi Yu wouldn't have made an appointment with Chu Tian today.

    That's right, school bullies also have to be on duty.

    After all, our brother Qi Chen is a good representative of the school bully who has both morality, intelligence, physique and beauty.

    Qi Yu remembered that the system told her just now that the main mission was to send 'the warmth of love'.

    Sighing softly: "Now I won't speak greasy lines, I have to do greasy movements and say greasy lines, right..."

    The system itself hasn't been upgraded, but the mission has been upgraded first...

    This mission——Love Warmth, as the name suggests, is a loving hug.

    And Qi Yu wanted to hug Xie Jing while whispering in his ear: "Do you like me?"

    Brother Yu, who was A and cool just now, almost lay down when he thought of the warmth of this love.

    She knows that her strategy is equal to chasing people, but if she really wants to do this emmm a bit 'greasy' task, Qi Yu's mind is full of three letters. MMP.

    According to Qi Yu's personality, if she took the initiative to like someone and pursued him, she would definitely not rush over in such a straightforward manner, at least she had to decide on the crime... oh no, it was a method of combat.

    Qi Yu rubbed her stiff face in distress, wondering if she would be regarded as a strange aunt by the beautiful boy this time.

    The system is proud: [I won't blame my aunt, at most I will blame my sister...]

    Qi Yu: [...]

    Oh, this is something to be proud of.


    soon as Qi Yu got into the car, he asked the driver to take her to the hospital.

    The uncle driver was so scared that he said worriedly: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

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