Chapter 57

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Chapter 57 (So you like kissing here [2 more +...)

    Seeing that these cats and dogs are about to rush over.

    If Qi Yu hurt them by saving herself now, and being watched by so many classmates, she might become a cruel and cruel person.

    After all, in the eyes of the students, these cats and dogs are docile animals.

    But they didn't see that these cats and dogs were docile to other people, but when they rushed towards Qi Yu, they didn't mean to be docile at all.

    Qi Yu's mind reacted quickly.

    She basically understood Xu Manyu's tricks this time.


    how did Xu Manyu manage to make these animals only come towards her?

    Is this also some kind of aura of heartthrob?

    Xiao Liu: [Master Host, run away! ! 】

    【You must not do anything to these innocent animals this time, otherwise it will be as the heroine wants. ]

    Not only did the task fail, but it was also difficult to clean up the image later.

    Of course Qi Yu knew how powerful it was.

    The moment she turned around, she saw Xu Manyu's soft and weak body being supported by several girls, it was really... irritating.

    Even when she saw those cats and dogs chasing after her, she let out a very fake ah.

    "Student Qi Yu, run quickly, it's so dangerous."


    Qi Yu, who was about to run away, suddenly turned around after hearing Xu Manyu's voice: "Squad leader, save me."

    System: [Poof...]

    The host really has you.

    Qi Yu shouted while running: "Squad leader, I'm afraid of these animals, you like animals the most, please help me."

    Xu Manyu: "..."

    Watching Qi Yu pull her back very quickly.

    Seeing those ferocious animals approaching, Xu Manyu screamed in fright.

    When she suddenly thought of Weihe Mountain, the wolf claws rushing towards her made her fall into a state of collapse.

    The scene was once very chaotic.

    Qi Yu blinked her eyes: "Squad leader, so you are also afraid, let me protect you."

    "You don't have to grab me so tightly."

    The group of cats and dogs bypassed Xu Manyu as if they only knew Qi Yu , went straight to Qi Yu.

    Others: "Qi Shen, don't move, they won't bite you." "

    Yes, Qi Shen, the more you run, the more they chase you."

    "Qi Shen, don't worry, as long as you don't move, they won't move .”

    Qi Yu: “…”

    And for a long time, it wasn’t you who were bitten.

    Qi Yu was too lazy to deal with them and was thinking about how to solve this crisis.

    Looking at Xu Manyu, who was already paralyzed from fright, Qi Yu clicked his tongue inwardly, feeling a little bored.

    So afraid of dogs, and so vicious.

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