Chapter 68

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Chapter 68 (Girl's arrogant face: "This is called taking advantage...)

    "Exchange your sincerity for your sincerity?"

    Qi Yu suddenly opened his eyes and whispered, "Exchange your sincerity for your sincerity." The

    past about Xie Jing emerged in his mind.

    Qi Yu's fingers hidden under the thin quilt tightened slightly, and a distressed look flashed across his eyes.

    Although Xie Jing has been quiet since he was a child, but before the age of six, he was just an overly smart and beautiful child, and also childish.

    But at the age of six, all the good things came to an abrupt end when his biological mother committed suicide by jumping off a building.

    At that time, the young Xie Jing only saw the blood flowing all over the ground. Since then, the originally quiet boy has not said a word for three full years.

    Later, her biological father married Lin Jing, who was a senior mistress, and Xie Jing lived in the old house with Mr. Xie. He was raised by the old man, and he was no stranger to his biological father.

    Xie Jingsheng's mother was originally the kind of sensitive and fragile woman, the woman who looks quiet and elegant, is the most terrifying thing when she becomes crazy for love. When she learned that her husband cheated and fell in love with his personal secretary Lin Jing, Mrs. Xie had countless She wanted to save her for the first time, but Xie Jing's biological father Xie Yin still decided to divorce, which led to Mrs. Xie's desire to die.

    Because of his mother's death, Xie Yin and Lin Jing were inseparably related, and Xie Jing had very little contact with them these years.

    All the dealings are just in the way of the old man.

    At first Xie Jing was only slightly autistic, but when he was eight years old, he was slandered by Lin Jing and pushed her downstairs, causing a miscarriage. This was the reason that really stimulated Xie Jing's extreme cleanliness and even became a mental illness.

    No one believed Xie Jing, including his father who loved him when he was a child, and accused him of killing his younger brother.

    Being so vicious at such a young age, with the blood of relatives on his hands, in this case, insulting an eight-year-old child.

    In fact -

    at the beginning Xie Jing just let her get out of the way.

    How much strength an eight-year-old can have.

    And a pregnant woman, knowing that the stairs are dangerous, doesn't stay far away.

    Thinking of these things, Qi Yu suddenly understood why Xie Jing didn't trust people and why her cleanliness was so serious.

    That woman Lin Jing is really vicious.

    Qi Yu clutched the thin quilt angrily, feeling that the last time he splashed her milk tea was really too light.

    Feeling Qi Yu's anger, Xiao Liuliu added a plot: [On the day of the final exam, Xie Jing didn't go to the exam because Lin Jing gave Xie Jing the surveillance video of Xie Jingsheng's mother jumping off the building. 】


    "This bitch!"

    Qi Yu has never wanted to scold someone so much.

    But Lin Jing is really the most vicious person she has ever met.

    What kind of heart is it to show him a video of a child's biological mother committing suicide.

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