Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    Xie Jing met the girl's eyes, her clear peach blossom eyes had expectations and appreciation, but there was no shyness or obsession.

    It's not the same as the disgusting infatuation of the girls who confessed to him in the past.

    Xie Jing found that he didn't hate her approaching, and he couldn't even reject her like rejecting others.

    He didn't seem to want any disappointment in those beautiful eyes.

    I want to see what happens when these eyes are happy.

    Xie Jingfu unconsciously let go of his fingertips on the page, and slowly opened his mouth under the eyes of everyone.

    He ate the cucumber rice wrap that Qi Yu handed to his lips.

    Song Yuanyuan watched Xie Jing eat Qi Yu's food, her eyes widened in disbelief: "How is that possible!"

    Not only her, but also the other students who were watching couldn't believe their eyes.

    They have all known Xie Jing for a long time, and they have never seen Xie Jing like this.

    Everyone was astonished as if they had seen a ghost...


    After Qi Yu watched him eat, his eyes subconsciously bent into crescents, and he smiled happily, as if stars had fallen in his eyes, shining brightly.

    Xie Jing's heart choked, and those dark eyes instantly ignited a cluster of scorching flames, almost engulfing people.

    Such beautiful eyes are most suitable for collection, and it is best to soak them in formalin for permanent preservation for him to enjoy anytime and anywhere.

    Qi Yu didn't notice Xie Jing's expression immediately, a systematic voice came from her mind.

    System: [Lines, lines, don't forget! 】

    It's not easy.

    The task is just the last kick.

    Qi Yu glanced at Song Yuanyuan's ugly expression inadvertently, with red lips hooked into a smile, looking at Xie Jingxiao's Gu Panshenghui: "If you eat my food, you will be mine."

    After hearing Qi Yu say this complete line, the system almost cried with joy: [Drip, the task is completed. Woohoo, Master Host, you are finally sensible, and you didn't tamper with it any more, I was moved to tears. 】

    Qi Yu didn't bother to deal with this little useless firewood system, and covered the lunch box contentedly: "I won't disturb your class, see you next time." After

    completing the task, he left quickly without any nostalgia.

    It's like a scumbag who eats and runs away.

    Xie Jing watched as her porcelain-white ears turned a light pink after saying that sentence.

    so cute.

    also very beautiful.

    He likes it even more and wants to collect it.

    The afternoon class bell rang suddenly.

    Everyone just woke up from the shock.

    If it weren't for the desks in front of them still falling apart on the ground, they wondered if they were dreaming together.

    Qi Yu felt that if he ran fast, he would not be able to catch up with her because of embarrassment.

    It really requires an excellent mentality to say that kind of perverted line in public.

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