Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

    Brother and sister fought each other for half an hour, and they were almost late together.

    In the midsummer morning in Beicheng, the breeze is gentle, and it is very comfortable to blow on people.

    Qi Yu walked into the second grade building alone, feeling the tranquility of this moment.

    The young girl's skin was fair and tender, covered with a thin layer of halo by the light morning sunlight, making it lustrous and translucent.

    It looks very youthful and beautiful.

    Qi Yu closed her eyes slightly, and let out a long sigh of relief. It feels so good that no one is making noise in her ears!

    But the goose...

    After enjoying it for less than half a minute, a certain mechanical voice began to urge indifferently: [Master host, the breakfast time is about to end, if you have not completed the task, you will be punished. 】

    The voice over the words——so please stop leisurely, Mr. Host, and hurry up to complete the task, okay?

    Qi Yu suddenly thought of something, a look of deep meaning flashed across his eyes, and the corners of his lips curled up a little slyly: [Is there a punishment for not completing the task? ]

    [That is to say, there will be rewards for completing tasks. ]

    [Then give me the reward for the success of the previous mission first, and then talk about punishment. ]

    System: [...]

    Oh, why is its host so shrewd!

    Now it was Qi Yu who urged him: [Hurry up and give me a reward, don't pretend to be dead. ]

    System: [嗡——咚咚, 咚咚——]

    The system was under a burden that should not belong to its strength, and it collapsed all of a sudden.

    In the end, it buzzed several times, and the machine crashed directly.

    Qi Yu: "..."

    [Crooked? ]

    [System? ? ]

    [Little all? ]

    [Little trash, are you really dead? If you don't answer, it means that I have not failed the food delivery mission this time. 】

    Hearing that there was no response in her mind, the corners of Qi Yu's raised lips were flattened, and the center of her brows was slightly frowned.

    He muttered in a low voice: "Damn, what kind of second-hand abandoned system is this, so timid that it can be scared to death."

    With this little trash, can she really survive to the end of this book...

    Qi Yu fell into a deep depression Puzzled.

    What to do, I am so annoying that I want to do a thousand questions!

    A hundred questions could no longer satisfy her thirst for knowledge.


    After Qi Yu entered the classroom, when she looked up, she saw a boy sitting next to her seat.

    The boy's blue eyes were as vast as the sea, and he was particularly conspicuous among the classmates with dark brown eyes.

    Qi Yu understood that this was her deskmate who asked for leave for a week.

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