Chapter 67

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Chapter 67 (Qi Yu: Hey, there's nothing new [...]


    It was the day of the first exam of the winter camp.

    It happened to be the release date of Chenghua Middle School final exam.

    When Qi Yu and the others took the exam, the students of Chenghua Middle School stood in front of the red list, looking at the first place with full marks in all subjects.

    I was not surprised at all when I saw Qi Yu ranked first in the grade for the first time.

    On the contrary, I feel that Qi Yu's perfect score in all subjects seems to be... a matter of course.

    Otherwise, how can they be worthy of their Jingshen.

    Lao Sun was congratulated by a group of teachers in the center, which was simply the highlight moment of his life.

    Laughing from ear to ear.

    "Teacher Sun really picked up an excellent student, and I envy you." "

    Yes, at the beginning, everyone really didn't expect a student who donated money to come in to have such a great ability." "

    Now it seems that those children from rich families , still know how to teach."

    "One Xie Jing, one Qi Yu, two students are better than the other family, but the other family is better than the other." "

    Actually, this is not necessarily the case. Aren't the students in the international class not doing well? "

    "Hey, we can't generalize in the future. Their academic performance is not good, but they are all-round development, and the student's grades don't seem to be so important." "..."


    by Qi Yu, many teachers even brought The attitude towards international students has changed a lot.

    The students in the international class are all human beings, how can they not feel it.

    Since Xu Manyu dropped out of school, the not-so-smart students who were shrouded in her aura before have recovered their normal thinking ability one by one.

    "Just now the teacher in the regular class next door laughed at me???"

    "Damn it, me too!"

    "You still said that we should learn from Qi Shen? You have a pleasant face."

    "It's kind of scary."

    Ye Luosi, Qi Yu's first responder, quickly retorted: "What's scary, it's all brought to us by the little fairy Yuyu! "

    We want to thank Xiao Yuyu."

    Meng Hechen echoed: "That's right, the teachers changed their opinion of our class all because Qi Shen got full marks in all subjects.

    " Have you ever got full marks in all subjects???"

    "It seems like I've never heard of it." "

    So, Qi Shen is as awesome as Jing Shen, no wonder they can be together." "

    Except for each other, no one is worthy Go to them."

    Lin Congbei has been extremely silent since the boxing match ended.

    At this time, when everyone said that Qi Yu and Xie Jing were a good match, there was a slight fluctuation.

    With a light snort, Xie Jing may not be worthy of Qi Yu.

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