Chapter 101 - 110

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Chapter 101 (Xie Jing, take care of your wife [2 more]...)

    Inexplicably, Qi Yu took over the mobile phone that Qi Chen threw.

    The screen happens to be a Weibo page.

    It's still Xie Jing's Weibo authentication.

    Qi Yu looked at the yellow V certification of "Xie Jing, the leader of the Xie Group", and subconsciously opened his eyes wide, "When did you have Weibo, I didn't even know it!" The point is that

    Qi Chen knew it!

    Qi Yu is sour.

    She was not the first person to follow Xie Jing's Weibo.

    Qi Chen next to him was too lazy to look at his sister's stupid look.

    "The whole network knows it, but you don't. You should ask Xie Jing why."

    He provoked for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

    As soon as the words fell, Ms. Bai slapped her mercilessly: "Why are you talking to your sister and brother-in-law?" "Is there     a brother-in-law like



    Ms. Bai was laughed at by him: "Skinless and shameless."

    "Your younger sister is getting married, and you haven't heard anything yet?"

    Qi Chen: "..."

    "My younger sister has a puppy love. I can compare with her. Blame me for being too obedient when I was a student, otherwise how could I be forced into marriage." "

    You asked me to compare with my eldest brother and second brother, who is over thirty!" "

    Second brother is almost thirty!"

    "I'm only two He's just in his early ten years old, and he's young."

    "Hurry them up first."

    Ms. Bai had given up on those two people long ago.

    Especially the eldest, an old man in his thirties, who doesn't know what to think about, except work is work all day long, and he doesn't think about whether his personal problems have been solved at all.

    There is also the second child, who is in the entertainment industry, and it's okay to marry late, but he doesn't even have a girlfriend.

    Ms. Bai deeply suspects that she has given birth to three young bachelors, all of whom have not given up on their first loves.

    Bai inherited her flourishing beauty.

    Ever since.

    The more Ms. Bai looked at Xie Jing, the more pleasing she was to her eyes. Look at Xie Jing, who is ready to get married at a young age, with such courage and efficiency.

    On the contrary, the more you look at the three sons, the more unpleasant they become.

    Seeing their daughter, they haven't eaten yet.

    Out of sight and out of mind, Ms. Bai dragged Qi's father to cook.

    Qi's father, who originally wanted to show off his future father-in-law to his future son-in-law, could only be taken away by his wife.

    There is no resistance.

    He even said to Xie Jing: "From now on, you will be like uncle and respect your wife so much."

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