Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    "I don't."

    Qi Yu put on a serious little face, looking like a gentleman who is not attracted by beauty.

    She has to think carefully about whether to do the task, and not be tempted by the beauty in advance to mess up her mind.

    But seeing Xie Jing smiled at her: "Okay, I didn't think about it."

    She looked like she didn't have three hundred taels of silver here, and she was so cute, I wanted to pinch her.

    The boy's eyes were as black as ink, and his line of sight shifted slightly. From his angle, he could clearly see the girl's slender and fair neck.

    Fragile, fresh and irresistible to touch.

    Qi Yu caught a glimpse of the flawless curvature of the young man's lips from the corner of his eye, and was almost bewitched again.

    This boy turned into a vixen.

    Just a casual smile can be so seductive.


    . Qi was greeted by the principal and two teachers, but she always paid attention to these two young people from the corner of her eye.

    Looking at her daughter who was usually calm and not like a child since she came back, her small expression at this time revealed her shyness.

    Hey, it really is a cute kid.

    The principal knows about puppy love, so he must be shy.

    Mrs. Qi had a preconceived idea that she was called a parent because of her daughter's puppy love.

    No, when I saw Xie Jing passing by at the principal's gate, my first reaction was that this must be my daughter's puppy love.

    Only such a beautiful boy is worthy of being her baby's first love.

    Mrs. Qi looked at Xie Jing more and more satisfied.


    The next moment, I suddenly heard the principal say: "Mrs. Qi, our school doesn't want those two buildings of yours..." The building is gone, but please let Qi Yu stay in their school.

    Such an outstanding student should not be worth two buildings.

    However, before the principal had time to finish speaking, Mrs. Qi became anxious: "What? Just because of a puppy love, the child should be expelled from school, what's the matter!" What is the era now, the school is not even donating the building to fight the puppy

    love .

    I only heard that Chenghua High School has a strict school spirit, but I didn't expect it to be so strict.

    "Puppy love? What puppy love?" The principal looked at Mrs. Qi in confusion.

    The two teachers who were going to persuade Mrs. Qi to agree to Qi Yu's choice of their competition class also looked puzzled.

    Qi Yu was at a loss for words.

    Knowing that my old mother must have misunderstood.

    Recalling in her mind her mother's excitement when she learned that she was going to be invited as a parent before the monthly exam, and just now holding Xie Jing's hand at the door, Qi Yu suddenly felt that she understood why she came to school and wanted to make up her hair.


    and for a long time, did she think she was here to meet the future in-laws?

    Qi Yu was speechless for half a second: "..."

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