Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 (She is a minor! [Part 1...]

    In the international class, it was like a picture of a mobile phone being stuck, and no one moved.

    Even breathing is light.

    When Qi Yu's voice sounded, everyone woke up.

    The old grandson replied slowly: "Ah, it's fine."

    As he spoke, he left the classroom first in a daze.

    Glancing at Meng Hechen's shattered table from the corner of his eye, he wondered if he, a student, had learned internal skills from some hermit before.

    Seeing that the head teacher had left, Qi Yu picked up her schoolbag and was about to leave.

    Just took two steps.     The girl stopped abruptly, turned to look at Xu Manyu who was stunned, and said, "The class monitor is so helpful, so why don't you help the

    newly transferred students on duty?" "Oh, it doesn't matter if the class monitor doesn't want to do it.

It's not pretty if others insist."

    "Then, see you tomorrow."

    Meng Hechen and Ye Luosi immediately chased after them.

    Instead, it was Lin Beicong who handed the broom in the corner of the back row to Xu Manyu, and said lazily to her, "I'm willing to help others. I'm on duty today, so I'm sorry to trouble you." After finishing speaking,

    Lin Beicong folded his arms and left school leisurely.

    Thanks to Qi Yu, I don't have to be on duty today.

    Xu Manyu, who stayed where she was, had tears in her eyes.

    Chuchu pitifully held the broom that Lin Beicong handed over.

    The others wanted to help her, but they glanced at Meng Hechen's table.

    I feel sorry for you.

    Until... a boy who had a crush on Xu Manyu said: "Squad leader, let me help you."

    Xu Manyu looked at the tall and thin boy wearing round-rimmed glasses, with crystal clear tears running down his cheeks in a very poignant way.

    It can be called a textbook-like perfect crying scene.

    With a pleasant crying voice: "No, there's no need."

    "Otherwise, Qi Yu would be unhappy."

    Seeing the class monitor crying, many students who used to regard her as the group favorite were filled with righteous indignation.

    "Qi Yu went too far this time."

    "That's right, monitor, don't cry, we will clean it for you." "

    We have a lot of people, so we will finish cleaning soon."


    A group of people comforted Xu Manyu, Xu Manyu watched Seeing everyone cleaning the classroom in full swing, there are still tears on the fair face.

    It looks pitiful.

    The tall and thin boy walked up to Xu Manyu and handed her a dark blue handkerchief. His voice was slightly hoarse: "Don't cry."

    Xu Manyu looked at him and bit his lower lip: "I'm fine."

    "Thank you You, Cui Yize."

    When speaking, Xu Manyu tightly held the handkerchief Cui Yize handed her, and her wet eyelashes fluttered.

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