Chapter 51

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Chapter 51 (I'll Just Gently... Gently...)

    Because it's time to sleep.

    The light in Qi Yu's room was dim, and only one bedside lamp was on.

    The girl's skin is as white as jade, beautiful and delicate.


    the beautiful girl took two quick steps, picked up the big white cat carried by the farmer at the foot of the bed, and shook its paw: "Da Baibai, tell me, tell me, is my figure good, good, good? !!"

    Dabaibai was about to be shaken by Qi Yu and fell asleep.

    The fluffy head tilted, and it meowed perfunctorily, about to sleep on the girl's breast.

    Xiao Liu finally couldn't stand it any longer: [Master Host, since Bai Yueguang is not satisfied with your figure, you should hurry up and get the medicine out of the prescription. ]

    [The aphrodisiac, you can also do it by the way. 】

    Qi Yu didn't give up, picked up the small mirror and looked at it again and again, am I not feminine enough?

    After all, I have been to my aunt, and Qi Yu is developing very fast.

    Now it is basically on the verge of b.

    This size looks best in a shirt.

    Hearing Qi Yu's words, Xiao Liu was speechless.

    Can it say that its main purpose is to want the host to develop the drug for aphrodisiac?

    After all, one doesn't know when this medicine will come in handy.

    Qi Yu collapsed on the bed, ignoring Xiao Liu's words.

    The more I thought about it, the more upset I became, da da da, I ran back to the bathroom with my mobile phone, and took a full-body photo in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

    Da da da ran back to bed.

    Send Xie Jing a WeChat message.

    It's a little fairy, not a little salted fish: "Where am I missing a woman??! Photo.jpg"

    After sending the WeChat message, Qi Yu waited for a few minutes, but seeing no reply, she was about to write a question to suppress her shock.

    She was too lazy to go to the study, and directly found the previously downloaded questions from the tablet, and started to work on them.

    The only way to relieve worries is to brush the questions.

    After Xie Jing walked out of the indoor gym, he took the towel handed over by Butler Xie.

    Slowly wiping the thin sweat off his body.

    Because of his extreme cleanliness, his body is very weak, so he must exercise enough daily, otherwise he would have been lying on the hospital bed every day.

    Especially -

    every time Xie Jing thinks of Qi Yu touching his abdominal muscles, the little look with brows, eyes and smiles.

    I have higher demands on my body.

    Never delayed or turned off a workout.

    Seeing that Xie Jing asked him for a mobile phone, Butler Xie immediately offered it with both hands.

    "Miss Qi sent you a WeChat message ten minutes ago."

    As for the WeChat message, Housekeeper Xie didn't read it.

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