Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 (Brother die, make your girlfriend cold...)

    what do you want?

    Facing the boy's eyes full of meaning, Qi Yu brainstormed.


    It won't be the bloody lines in Mary Su Shuang's article.

    --I want you?

    ——Woman, I want you.


    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I can't think about it, thinking about it, Qi Yu's slender arms were covered with a dense layer of small bumps.

    So... suffocating.

    Seeing Xie Jingbo's lips moving slightly, he was about to speak.

    Qi Yu swallowed, and opened her mouth a little terrified: "You..."

    Come, come, Mary Su's standard lines are coming.

    Is she going to witness it with her own eyes?

    But I heard Xie Jing raise his eyes to look at the balloon floating not far away, "I want that."

    Qi Yu: "???"

    My pants are all taken off, why don't you listen to this?

    As for the male protagonist Mary Su, why don't you play your cards according to common sense.

    Seeing her wrinkled face, Xie Jing thought of her expectant eyes just now, lowered his eyes and chuckled: "What do you think I'm going to say?"

    Qi Yu looked left and right but didn't look at Xie Jing.

    Grabbing his wrist casually: "I'll buy you a balloon, why do you talk so much?"

    "Can you respect your title of Flower of the High Mountain?"

    Xie Jing was held by her soft little hand, her fingers moved slightly without making any effort. open.

    Instead, he looked at her little red ears under the fine strands of hair.

    This is -- I'm ashamed.

    It was rare, for the first time, Xie Jing didn't feel how difficult it was to have too many people.

    The sweet fragrance of her body filled the nostrils.

    No discomfort at all.

    Qi Yu felt that he was being tricked by Xie Jing, otherwise why would he have used that affectionate look in his eyes just now.

    The system doesn't want to lament the brain hole of its own host.

    I always feel that Xie Jing wants to harm her.

    Obviously, when she saw Xie Jing, she stripped him naked in her mind.

    Qi Yu is wearing flat shoes. Although he is not short, he still looks a little petite under his height of 1.85 meters.

    Qi Yu looked at him with a cold face, the appearance that strangers should not enter.

    I actually bought him a pink balloon.

    And clutching the string: "Stretch out your wrist."

    Xie Jing looked at her quietly.

    Qi Yu was a little timid at the sight of him, but she still pretended to be calm: "Hand out, don't you want a balloon?" The

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