Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 (Confession in public [2+3 more]...)

    Looking at Xie Jing's magnificent beauty on the screen, Qi Yu was stunned for a few seconds, and finally realized: Oh

    yes, she has nothing to be guilty of.

    On the contrary, Xie Jing popped up a video page that was really weird and scary: "How did you video with me? We don't seem to have added WeChat." Xie Jing's eyes were calm: "..." Qi Yu saw that he didn't say


    word Fa, suddenly had a guess in his mind: "Could it be that you hacked my phone?"

    Otherwise, there is no way to explain his sudden video.

    After thinking for a while, Qi Yu felt that something was wrong—if Xie Jing could hack into her mobile phone, that is to say, his technology was higher than hers? ? ?

    Even though Qi Yu was beaten to death, she didn't want to believe that there could be high school students who were better than her in this world.

    Xie Jing replied casually: "Your defense is too weak."


    Qi Yu's beautiful peach blossom eyes widened, looking at Xie Jing in disbelief?

    The firewall she transformed is weak? ? ?

    There are very few professionals who can crack the protection of her mobile phone in the previous life.

    Xie Jing did it so easily, what a joke. Is this still the IQ setting of the stupid and brainless Mary Su Wen!

    Xie Jing seemed to want to watch the changes in her expression, and his thin lips slightly curled up for her colorful little expression.

    It's not a waste of time.

    Xie Jing was only on a whim, and it was already time for him to take a rest.

    Unexpectedly, Qi Yu's beautiful eyes, porcelain white ears, and even those soft and warm hands inadvertently appeared in his mind.

    As soon as I close my eyes, even my breath is sweet with orange blossom.

    But when he opened his eyes, looking at the cold and white room, Xie Jing uncontrollably took out the computer that he didn't use very much.

    Hacked into her mobile phone and connected to her camera.

    After digesting for half a minute, Qi Yu gradually came back to his senses, and immediately wanted to check his mobile phone: "..."

    Then he found that the mobile phone could not open other than the page with Xie Jing's video.

    Qi Yu refused to admit defeat: "You are amazing."

    "I can also hack into your mobile phone."

    Xie Jing casually picked up the mobile phone that was left on the bedside, and shook it towards the camera: "You can try it."

    Qi Yu looked at Suddenly, after seeing the screen of his mobile phone, he paused...

    Xie Jing turned on his starlight white mobile phone with a strong sense of technology, and the screen page turned out to be the page on her mobile phone.

    Qi Yu: "???"

    Damn it, can you still play like this?

    Qi Yu thought that her mobile phone was completely connected to Xie Jing's mobile phone, and she was in a bad mood.

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