Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 (Crazy, it turned out to be the love of the double arrow...)

    In front of Qi Yu was the physics puzzle rewarded by the last mission.

    It is indeed a comprehensive collection of unsolved physics mysteries in the world, Qi Yu is still very interested.

    Compared with the competition questions given to her by the school competition class, Qi Yu prefers these task reward booklets.

    When Qi Yu first heard the voice outside yelling that she had passed the first grade exam, the tip of her pen was crooked by her.

    "I got the first place in the exam?"

    Qi Yu suddenly stood up and looked out the window at the classmate who was speaking.

    When the students in the next class saw Qi Shen talking to him, they immediately replied excitedly: "Yeah, Qi Shen, you are so awesome that you passed the Jingshen test!!!" Wait...


    got the first place in the grade. Never mind.

    He even passed the Xie Jing exam? ?

    Qi Yu subconsciously took her English paper from Ye Luosi: "That's right, I didn't write an English composition, did I?" Ye Luosi nodded, "I did

    n't     .


Yu asked.

    Since it's not her problem, it's Xie Jing's problem.

    The classmate next door: "It's strange, Jingshen only got the third grade in the exam this time." At

    this time, the classmate next to him said: "Jingshen got the third in the exam, is it because he didn't have class for half a year?" "

    Yes Ah, since school started, Jingshen hasn’t attended class.”

    “It turns out that if you don’t go to school, you can’t do well in the exam.”

    “Shen Te can’t do well in the exam, and Chenghua’s third grade is also very good!!”

    Listen The sound of their talking made Qi Yu's mind suddenly explode.

    She remembered.

    No wonder Xie Jing told her the firm words after finishing the English test - what reward would you give me if I let you take the first place in the grade.

    Let, you, take the first grade test!

    Qi Yu always thought this was ironic.

    Never imagined.

    What Xie Jing said was true.

    Really, let, her!

    Third grade?

    Xie Jing took the test with his eyes closed.

    This is because she is afraid that she will fail him in the exam.

    "Come on, just go and see the red list." Qi Yu was dragged by Ye Luosi to the red list.

    It's still the same as last time.

    It's just that Xie Jing's name is added.

    The international class and Qi Yu are still leading the first place. The second place with a total score of 725

    is a top student in class one. The third place with a total score of 678

    is Xie Jing, with a total score of 665.

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